You cannot go wrong with 4198 in the 222 with any bullet weight. Somewhere around 19-21 grains should shoot well with all those bullet weights. Good luck. Mart
Posts: 993 | Location: Wasilla, AK | Registered: 22 December 2002
Depends on the barrel twist. Had shot all types of powders and most do very well, but have gotten my best groups with AA2230 and a 52 grain match bullet. Shoot a flat base bullet it is more accurate and seat the bullet into the lands and you will most likely get your best groups. Good Luck!
With the 40 V-Max bullets in the 222 l use either IMR4895 or VVN133 and both produce excellent accuracy. I use these loads for varmint shooting and suggest that you try these two powders and good luck.
Posts: 104 | Location: Western Canada | Registered: 12 March 2002
With 50 grain bullets, I've had excellent luck with both 4895 and H-335. I haven't tried 40 grainers in my .222, but each of these powders might (or might not) be a little on the slow side for the lighter bullet. 4198 is the "right" speed, but its long granules don't meter very well and it has always given me wide variations in shot-to-shot velocity (although surprisingly good accuracy). Reloder 7 should do well with the light bullets.
Actually, it's hard to make a .222 shoot poorly. If the load is "reasonable", but doesn't group well, check the rifle and scope.
Posts: 13316 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001
Just started looking for loads with mine, so far Benchmark seems to be giving great results. Rifle seems to be grouping best with stiff loads. Had some good groups with bullet a far off lands as .045"
Posts: 178 | Location: Canada | Registered: 03 February 2001
I get excellent results with Vihta N133 for both 50 and 55 grain SP from Sierra. The powder is also quite clean, in comparison to the Alliant RL12 I used before.
Posts: 8211 | Location: Germany | Registered: 22 August 2002
You can go a lot faster (burn rate) for the 40gr Vmax. This has the advantage of fill levels being sensible. Max loads of VVN133 need a long drop tube and great care, greatly slowing the loading process
VVN120 is excellent with the 40gr Vmax. My own rifle likes 21gr in a Sako case with CCIBR2 primers and the bullet just in the lands. One ragged hole and around 3,600fps. Hornady have data in their load notes on their website. The 40gr v max is an awesome bullet for the 222!
Posts: 2258 | Location: Bristol, England | Registered: 24 April 2001
quote:Originally posted by 1894: You can go a lot faster (burn rate) for the 40gr Vmax. This has the advantage of fill levels being sensible. Max loads of VVN133 need a long drop tube and great care, greatly slowing the loading process
VVN120 is excellent with the 40gr Vmax. My own rifle likes 21gr in a Sako case with CCIBR2 primers and the bullet just in the lands. One ragged hole and around 3,600fps. Hornady have data in their load notes on their website. The 40gr v max is an awesome bullet for the 222!
Thanks 1894!
I like N133, but I've not tried it with anything under 50gr bullets.
I will give this a try (working up of course).
Posts: 1006 | Location: northern Sweden | Registered: 22 May 2002
I get my best results with IMR4198, usually 20.5grs., pushing a Sierra 52gr. HPBT. I get even better results if I drop it a grain to 19.5 and use the Nosler 55gr. Bal.Tip. Berger 52 HP's also perform well. I've heard great things about VihtaVouri 133 although I haven't actually tried it. All of the loads listed will print under .3". Best wishes.