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400 & 450 gn Woodleigh 404 Jeffery COL diff?
one of us
In a 404 Jeffery is the COL the same with a Woodleigh 450 grain SP as when using a 400 grain SP?

ie.. the canualre to tip is the same on both, the canualre to base is longer so the base sits further in the case on the 450 gn bullet, correct?


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Picture of ramrod340
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If the cannelure distance to tip are the same and you seat the cannelure to the mouth of the case then yes the OAL will be the same. The distances to where the bullets engage the lands might not be the same.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
Posts: 12881 | Location: Mexico, MO | Registered: 02 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I only have 400 gn bullets, so was wondering about the placement of the canalure on the 450 gn bullets.

The main difference between a 347 gn and 350 gn .423 Woodleigh is bullet is canalure placement.


It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
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Picture of ramrod340
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Sorry Allen I misread your first post. I thought you were saying the cannelure was in the same place not "is".

I don't have those to bullets to check. What I have found is the answer is sometimes. In looking at some 416bullets the light 350gr has a shorter distance in front of the cannelure. As the bulettes get heavier the distance in front (often as well as the rear) will grow to the point at the bullet seated in the cannelure would equal std accepted OAL then the extra length will only grow towards the rear.

I hope someone has the bullets to measure or maybe you could contact Woodleigh.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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Picture of Von Gruff
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I would suguest (hope) that the 450gn is the same length from canelure to tip, simply because most 404J's are not built on Magnum length actions and the 400gn loaded and crimped to canelure length is about as long as most magazines are stretched to. A longer canelure to tip length for the 450gn bullet may preclude them being fed from the magazine and therefore of no use to most 404 Jeffery's users.

Von Gruff.

Von Gruff.

Gen 12: 1-3

Exodus 20:1-17

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Picture of eagle27
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Originally posted by AllenBosely:
I only have 400 gn bullets, so was wondering about the placement of the canalure on the 450 gn bullets.

The main difference between a 347 gn and 350 gn .423 Woodleigh is bullet is canalure placement.


As Von Gruff says, the magazine length will be the determining factor for COAL.
The 347gr and 350gr Woodleighs are different, the 347gr made for the 10.75x68 hence the cannelure setup for crimping in the smaller case while the 350gr is made for the larger 404J.
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