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6,5x55 Best accuracy at +P loads
There has been a lot of discussion re Max loads lately and I need some advise from Swede users .

I use a Styer Prohunter SBS chambered in 6,5x55 .
Since I managed best accuracy in over-max loads I opted to stay with those loads but am now reconsidering after reading the recent discussions . My feeling was that the 6,5Swede in a modern action should reach 260 or 6,5RM velocities and that the loaddata in the manual are conservative in order to accomodate older military actions .

I have never encountered any pressure signs , and neck size about 3-4 times before I get a sticky boltlift .
My loads : 120 gr Sierra= 2950 fps
140 gr Sierra MK = 2800 fps
160 gr Hornady RN = 2600 fps
All above loads proved to be the most accurate . I use local Somchem powders and as most people do not know it I will refrain from posting the actual loads .

Any thoughts ?


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Picture of Bobby Tomek
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The velocities you listed are safely attainable using Re-22, but I am not at all familiar with the powder you mentioned. But in all of my 6.5x55 reloading, I can tell you that 2800 fps with a 140 grain bullet is only attainable -- safely, that is -- with Re-22. With anything else (such as Re-19, H4350, H4831, etc.) , 2700 fps is the safe max, given at least 23-24" of usable barrel length.
Posts: 9379 | Location: Shiner TX USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote

[ 06-15-2002, 03:21: Message edited by: centerpunch ]
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In my M70 based target rifle (26 inch barrel)and using VV165 powder I have achieved 2900 with Sierra 142s with no apparent pressure signs. Accuracy is best at about 2830 though so thats where I'm working. In the 23 inch barreled sporter I drive 160 Sierras at 2550 again with no apparent problems using 4831sc.
For the most part brass is brass with some variations in hardness from brand to brand. You will hear of some brass being weaker (30/30 for instance ) but it doesn't appear to be so. Just ask anyone who has shot a 219 Donaldson much. Pressures are very high yet the 30/30 brass takes it just fine. The same is obviously true of 45/70 brass now that balloon head cases are no longer produced.
So it seems perfectly valid to load with the strength of the rifle in mind and staying well within the limits of the brass of course. 7x57 brass is just as strong as 7mm-08. 30/06 brass is just as strong as 270 win and so on. Regards, Bill.
Posts: 3586 | Location: Elko, B.C. Canada | Registered: 19 June 2000Reply With Quote
Ben, 2800 with 140 grain bullets is easily safely attainable in the 6.5X55. I used to get that speed in the 1960's using H4831 and Sierra 140's in a Norwegian Krag!!
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Bobby Tomek

The powder I use is Somchem S385 . I used Rel 22 last year when I stilled lived in the UK . There I loaded 48 gr Rel 22 and it gave me 2650 fps , when I moved to SA I started using S385 and guess what 48 gr gave me 2640 fps .( Using the same brass - LAPUA and the same Primers )
My assumption is thus that is is very similar.

The rifle has a 24" barrel .

Thanks for the reply .

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<Kimmo E>
Norma factory loads

Vulkan 156g 2643f/s
Vulcan 139gr 2854f/s

Use european data for faster loads

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I dont know if you maybe have the Sonchem ballistic manual with you . As I paged through it now I found that S 385 is to within 5 % of Norma (MRP) and ADI (AR2213) , It is also quite close to Hodgdon (H4831). I dont know if this will be much help but good luck in any ways.


Posts: 150 | Location: Witbank ,South - Africa | Registered: 22 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I have been able to get 10 fireing from cases with this load

120 gr Nosler Solid base
49.5 gr IMR 4350
2950 f/s
Rem M700 Classic

Excellent light game load for me


Posts: 174 | Location: ,Alberta ,Canada | Registered: 12 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I have come to the conclusion that there is only one thing that can truthfuly be said about these sorts of posts (and I have posted like this myself)and that is if you feel you have to ask about pressure limits in this fashion you would be better off reducing by a grain or two and getting some more peace of mind.

Having practiced what I preach I can tell you that it has made zero difference to performance and a big difference to my peace of mind.

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