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reloading manuals
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I was wondering which is the best of the reloading manuals from the big companies? Barnes, Nosler, Speer, Lee etc. Is one better than another for different applications? Like a Barnes manual good for big game loads and the Sierra for accurate loads?
Posts: 2283 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of ricciardelli
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There is no "best" reloading manual...


Posts: 3282 | Location: Saint Marie, Montana | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dutch
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The best manual is the manual put out by the company who's bullets you are going to load. FWIW, Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dutch:
The best manual is the manual put out by the company who's bullets you are going to load. FWIW, Dutch.

Or powder companies whose manuals include data for the bullets you will load. Fortunately, several of them are free.


Posts: 1246 | Location: Northern Virginia, USA | Registered: 02 June 2001Reply With Quote
Or . . .

Find a manual offering loads with several brands of powders. That provides you with a base reference when loading. You get a perspective about the characteristics of the caliber you're loading and some insights into the characteristics of some different brands of powder.

There's a heap of stuff available online these days. If you've picked a specific bullet or powder, you can find data for that particular combination -- usually -- online for free.

I bought a data manual back in 1992. I don't think I'd buy one now given the online resources.

.223 Ackley Improved Wildcat Forum:

[This message has been edited by Genghis (edited 05-22-2002).]

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I first turn to my current Speer manual.
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I like my speer.
Posts: 931 | Location: Nambia | Registered: 02 June 2000Reply With Quote
Bite the bullet and buy them all, sooner or later your'e going to need to look up a load that isn't in the book you have. But if you have them all thats not a problem. I like not having problems.


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I've got a slightly different approach. I have several reloading manuals, Nosler, Speer, Sierra and Lyman, plus a few freebies. When I load I typically consult several of them for the cartridge I'm loading, and unless I know otherwise, generally start with something of an average of the manuals examined. All of these manuals I've listed are good. I would not feel unduly stressed if I had to pick just one of the litter.

I am far more skeptical of the freeby powder company loading manuals. But that's JMHO.


Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
None of the manuals are perfect. Just about every reloader I know has several. GENGHIS seems to do the same thing I do. Look to see what loads are suggested by several. Another thing I suggest you look at, is the firearm in which the loads were developed. If a manual work up loads in a rifle with a 22" barrel, faster burn rate powders may indicate higher velocities. If you use this info to fire in a rifle with a 26" barrel, the suggeted loads may actually be dangerous and the manual loads may be closer to a fairy tale than anything else. The opposite is also true. if a manual writter used a 26" barrel and your using a 22" barrel, those fine velocities from the very slow burnrate powders will only be a dream. The manuals tell us a great deal. They also DON'T tell us a great deal. Good luck. [Eek!]
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<Paul Dustin>
I have over 20 reloading manuals. New and old I do not think any are better then the other.
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Yep lots of manuals and referance guides,
If I could only have one manual I would probably pick the newest Hodgdons

When recommending 1st manuals to new handloaders I always recommend the Speer.

Posts: 330 | Location: Oregon, U.S. of A. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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