I have a new Remington 700 in 223 that when chambering a round has a somewhat stiff bolt close. The result is the same whether factory ammunition or reloads are used (in fact somewhat worse with remington brass). Closing the bolt on an empty chamber feels perfectly normal. After firing, or simply unloading the chamber, there is a small but visible "scuff" on the rim of the nearly every case which appears to be the approximate width of the extractor. After extended firing sessions there are definately some brass particles (shavings)inside the bolt face.
I am wondering if the extractor is a bit too long or improperly angled so that upon bolt close it is shaving a bit of brass? The problem has not prevently me from shooting the rifle but it is annoying and has not changed with break in.
I my self have been waiting for that to happen in my Rem-Sendero in a 300Wby. That scuffing and the extractor leaving a warm load in the chamber and having to find some thing to push the brass out. Can not make up my mind on weather getting a sako extractor would be best? This is talked about in the Gunsmithing Section under Sako extractor, What's all the fuss? On Page 6 right now
Gadolinium - My sons BDL-30/06 had the same problem when new from the factory. Could not close the bolt on several cartridges!! Either the groove that the extractor sits in was undersize or the extractor itself was dimensionally incorrect. We bought the gun mid-deer season because of another faulty gun, and did not want to send it back to the factory, so I pulled the extractor and modified it with my dremel tool, basically grinding metal off the outside diameter. Works like a champ now, but another blot on Remington's name. Hope this helps.
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