I agree with Trigger on the use of Hodgdon Clays -- it's the cleanest burning. But nowadays when I can get it I use Hodgdon Titewad because it works out to being the least expensive per load.
Unless cost is not a factor for you, I'd use the powder that I could get at the least cost per load.
I've used them all for 12 ga. target loads -- Red Dot, Green Dot, 700X, PB, Winchester Super Target, Hodgdon Clays, Hodgdon Titewad, and probably some others I've forgotten. I can't tell any differences in the quality of the loads I produce from them, although some are cleaner burning than others, and some are finer grained and others are coarser. (Red Dot is the coarsest grained -- it takes up more space in the case for a given charge weight -- and also the dirtiest burning. But it is completely reliable and has probably been used in more 12 ga. target loads than any other powder.)
[This message has been edited by LE270 (edited 05-09-2002).]
Posts: 5883 | Location: People's Republic of Maryland | Registered: 11 March 2001
I use NM-04 . It is a military surplus type powder that I get from G.I Brass. It loads with the same data as PB , is very economical and it burns fairly clean.
Posts: 129 | Location: colorado | Registered: 27 February 2002