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Moderators: Mark
Hand Held Primer Tool
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DO NOT BUY A LEE AUTO PRIME!!!! buy two. set one up for lg and one for sm. The price is right.
[Big Grin]
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of OldFart
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I'm also interested in your re-engineering effort.
I'm surprised about the problems reported with the RCBS. Mine has worked great, and I paid $5.00 from the bargin bin at Walmart (It was missing the primer tray, which RCBS was kind enough to send me at no charge).
I've used the Lee quite extensively and like it too.
Posts: 700 | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Well, the Sinclair arrived today and my wife won't let me open it until Christmas! Is that mean or what?!!

I guess the excuse I used (i.e., Christmas Present) kind of back fired on me! [Wink]
Posts: 26 | Location: Raleigh, NC | Registered: 23 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Quarter Round
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Well Thor now we know why the RCBS was trashed. [Big Grin] I can hear the story to the wife now. "Baby Cakes that ole RCBS hand primer is just terrible and I don't think a Lee would do any better. We shouldn't let our son use anything but a Sinclair." [Big Grin] Of course her reply had to be, "Well Sugar Bear I'll order you one today".

Posts: 355 | Registered: 31 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Well you can add my name to the Hornady column and here is why. I started out with the old Lee and I had one set large and the other small. When I could not find my large one I started shopping around. I liked the tray attached to the tool because I didn't have to handle every primer. I also liked the fact that the Hornady allowed you to position the tray to any desired position and used the same shell holders as the press which meant I didn't need to buy any Lee holders. The K&M and Sinclair tools, even though they are excellent tools, don't offer a tray option. So far it has work great for me. I have had an occasional glitch but nothing that wasn't fixed by a quick disassembly and reassembly in probably less than a minute. Don't get me wrong here the problems are so infrequent that I almost didn't mention it but in fairness thought I should. Even at twice the price of the Lee I have considered buying a second except that the change over is so quick, simply replace the ram and bushing when changing the shell holder, that I just can't justify the expense. Although, the other day when loading some 40 S&W I couldn't remember where the Hornady parts were so I used the prime seater on my RC instead. Another primer tool might be good but what if I forget where it's at [Wink] .
Posts: 78 | Location: CA | Registered: 02 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Well Thor now we know why the RCBS was trashed. I can hear the story to the wife now. "Baby Cakes that ole RCBS hand primer is just terrible and I don't think a Lee would do any better. We shouldn't let our son use anything but a Sinclair." Of course her reply had to be, "Well Sugar Bear I'll order you one today".
Quarter Round - Right on target! [Big Grin]

I think I figured a way to get to open the box... "you know honey, I need to make sure it isn't damaged and they sent me the right tool!" [Wink]
Posts: 26 | Location: Raleigh, NC | Registered: 23 November 2003Reply With Quote
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another vote for lee autoprime, also I love there perfect powder measure for light loades of less than 15g.
Posts: 6 | Location: texas, usa | Registered: 31 October 2003Reply With Quote
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I use the rcbs hand held tool.I have never had a problem using it.I don't know why others have had a problem unless they have it put together wrong.
Posts: 415 | Location: Milwaukee WI USA | Registered: 07 April 2002Reply With Quote
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