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Hey seafareB17G
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SmilerWhat kind of bullet seating do you use on the Hornaday 100 grain in the .260? What are the groups you shoot?
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Just saw this.... Been on a business trip for several Seattle...

My formula for seating depth in my Ruger is just magazine length..... I made up a dummy round a long time ago and just use that when I set up the die set....

Actually I have about 4 die sets for my 260 shooting ( Redding, RCBS, Hornady and Lee)...

With that 43.5 grains of 4064, the rifles ( I own two Rugers and one Rem 700 VLS) are all one hole shooters if I do my part.....I have tried other loads that were just as good or close, but stick with the first one as why change and I buy 4064 in 8 lb kegs anyway....

Since the Rugers are throated for longer bullets than the Remingtons are, a 100 grain bullet is not seating depth sensitive....

Both of my Rugers will take the Hornady 160 grain bullet seated to the cannelure! this is the factory throating....Ruger did it right from the start... long throat and one in 8 twist versus Remington using a one in 9....

Sorry I am not more scientific, bewildered but that way worked, so I use it and am off playing mad scientist on other items....

Posts: 16144 | Location: Southern Oregon USA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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SmilerThat is the way I do mine also to go into the mag, at least for hunting. Have some Hornaday 100 grains coming and have a lot of IMR 4064 on hand. I use it for my 7.7 Jap. I have used it for several calibers with good sucsess. Understand the long throat an dhow the lighter bullets will not touch the rifling. I shoot a 7.7 Jap for fun and with the bullet .065 it does fairly good. But the NRA found that seating the bullet so it was a lot farther from the rifling did a lot better. Hope to work this Ruger to one hole groups. Thanks
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