I simply want to warn all my fellow reloaders out there that I tried to place an order with The Reloading Bench out of Irving Texas and though they charged me for the order- $217- 1 1/2 months later I still haven't received my products. They refuse to show even decent customer service regarding addressing this issue. They say "they have no records" but I can prove it with my Visa statement! Nobody else should have to tolerate the crap they are putting me through! Stick with reliable reloading suppliers like Balistic and Precision Reloading Inc. These two are writing the books and provide good support! (PR seems to be a bigger/better company of the two).
I'm not taking sides nor do I have an opinion on your complaint, but such problems are the beauty of charging with credit cards. All you have to do is dispute the charge with you credit card company and they will normally back it up. In this case, too much time may have elapsed, but you need to check your card agreement as far as the notification period goes. Good luck CAT
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001
I'd cancel the order, and notify my credit card company of the action. Giev the the credit card compnay copies of any correspondence with the outfit you are in dispute with. The credit card compnay has an 800 number. call them with your problem, and make sure they know you have cancelled the order for non-receipt. Good luck. Paul B.
Posts: 2814 | Location: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: 11 May 2001
I work in Irving Texas and have visited the Reloading Bench a few times. He carries Dillon and Redding equip so I have made a few purchases. The owner is very knowledgeable and I found to be a resource. He doesn't seem to be at all dishonest. Could this be a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication. Perhaps if you fax him your Credit card record this can be resolved. Sorry, I'm not trying to butt in.
There is NO WAY they should have charged your credit card BEFORE shipping your order!! This is the biggest mistake a mail order outfit can make! Contact your credit card company and voice your complaint. Unfortunatly, they deal with this type of problem all the time. Bill T.
Gentlemen I think it's about time that a new Forum will be opend. Too often i read about fellow riflemen and huters who has been screwed by companys or gunsmiths.
I think this new forum should work as a reference about different comapny and how honest they are. It's sometimes very difficult to make claims or get info about companys who not do what they have promissed to do. The only warning you can get is from other shooters and hunters. /JOHAN
I agree, cancel the credit card order pronto. I had the same thing happen a few years ago, but for me, it only involved $15.00. The company jerked me around for 4 months and never shipped the bullets. Then they were gone. When I contacted the credit card company, they told me they could do nothing since the charge had occured more than 90 days before my complaint. From what I understand, if I had made my complaint within the 90 days, they would have removed the charge, but my delay cost me $15, don't let that happen to you over the $217.