Uh oh...............
Dirty little secret coming up............!
I like the RCBS dies for their fit, and finish. I load my .308 on RCBS SB dies.
But, I load my .30-06, my .223 Remington, my .9mm Luger, .45 Colt, and .30 Carbine on............
(drum roll, please)
Lee Dies!!!!
And, then have a lot going for them, too. I especially like the long expander ball. I routinely take these, break the edge on top and bottom with a swiss file, turning the rod in a drill, then polishing the rod with crocus cloth. VERY smooth--for .223, I don't even have to lube case necks in my progressive.
They make good ammo, too--from my .223 A4 Armalite, I can load 60 gr. VMAX bullets to shoot .300 groups at 100 yards.
The dies in '06 are used to load rounds for my Garand. I have never had a problem with these dies either.
And I love their factory crimp dies, too. I use this die as the last step when loading for my .308 M1A NM. This rifle shoots like a house on fire with 150 gr. mil surp bullets, 42.0 of IMR 4895, and Federal Match primers.
So, take a look at the Lee dies. You won't be disappointed.
Happiness is a 200 yard bughole.