I am thinking about getting a reloading computer program, but I have no idea what is out there. Is there a program that you can enter in all the reloading data and it spits out pressure and muzzle velocity? Whats the most popular program?
Posts: 184 | Location: Missouri | Registered: 15 November 2000
Take a look at AccuLoad. They have a website but I don't have the link. Also do a Search here. It was discussed about 10 months ago with lots of opinions.
Posts: 1261 | Location: Placerville, CA, US of A | Registered: 07 January 2001
I like QuickLoad better than Accuload. Accuload doesn't have as large a selection of powders as Quickload. As I recall, Quickload was only a bit more costly and I've never heard about upgrades. Guess to get an upgrade in QuickLoad you'd have to buy a new program. I've had my copy for probably 5-6 years & haven't seen a real need for an upgrade though. Briefly, that's my take on the 2. Bear in Fairbanks
Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002
There are sometimes updates for Quick Load, but only new powders and bullets. Nothing really in the structure. M. Broemel will bring out an update next year on CD Rom, so better wait some months. Normally M. Broemel charges around 10$ for an update but you have to contact him directly in Germany, actually no problem as he speaks good English. If there is someone in the US to take care for updates, I don�t know.