does anyone with weatherby mags have any pet loads for 270wm and 340 wm with tsx. I am not sure where to seat bullet as freebore does away with .050 off lands. i will be using 225 tsx in 340 and 140 tsx in 270. thanks
In my 340 (factory chamber=freebore) we determined OAL by using some of the Weatherby factory ammo. The factory stuff shoots extremely well, and we were basically trying to dupicate it with handloads. Using 7828SSC, we got pretty damn close! Try that method and see what it does for you.
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Posts: 1225 | Location: Gilbertsville, PA | Registered: 08 December 2005
I think gerryb was looking for the overall cartridge length for the loads also. I don't know mine off the top of my head, but am now curious what others are seating their bullets too also.
Posts: 96 | Location: Arroyo Grande, Ca. | Registered: 09 December 2004
gerryb I believe Barnes recommends being at least .050" off the lands. You are likely correct in saying that with the Weatherby freebore you will have a lot more than .050". I would suggest you size about 1/8 "of the neck on a fired case in each calibre. Set the bullet of choice on top of that case (no primer or powder)put it in the chamber and close the bolt. When you extract that case that will tell you where the rifling is. Then I would suggest you seat the bullet out as far as possible and still function through your magazine. Make sure the dummy round that you seated the bullet by chambering is at least .050" longer than the one that fits through the magazine and you should be set to start loading your test loads. Start at the suggested starting load and work up one grain at a time watching for sings of excessive pressure.
My 340 WBy is a custom short throat i.e. no free bore so it'd be irresponsible for me to share my loads. The key to a Wby is to make sure your COAL fits in your magazine well and then go from there.
There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1457 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004
270 Wea (Mk V) 150 Hdy SPIL, Norma Case, Fed 215 GMM, 71.5 grn R22. 3265 fps and sub 1" at 200 yds. Work up to it. Absolutely devastating on deer. IMR 7828 will do about 1.5 at 200 in the same rifle, just not quite as accurate in this one.
Posts: 4146 | Location: North Louisiana | Registered: 18 February 2004