Has anyone reloaded for this yet? I have seen date that suggests 3400 possible for a 200 grain bullet. Neither IMR or Hodgdon get close to that with their data. Are they at actual max pressure do you think or "lawyerized data"? I would be extremely interested if I could get a 200 btip at 3300. I'm anxious to talk to someone that has one and reloaded for it. Thanks for the info and replies ahead of time***
Thanks rejpelly! Is that a 24" or 26" tube? I'm really anxious to load for one. Is yours a factory rifle? If 3300+ is actually attainable I think it would be one heckuva "way the hell out there" prairie dog gun. Thanks again!
Hoodo;26" factory rifle.I had a muzzle break added.Try mininum load and go up by 1 grs;I didnt have pressure sign at 96 grs(h-4831sc).Going higher,I cannot tell for sure,go by .5grs.Reaching 3300 fps,it is more than Hodgdon data recommended.Their max.with 26" barrel is near 3180 fps.(96.5grs).I FOUND GOOD ACCURACY .555 moa PLAYING WITH COL.My reload 95 grs(H-4831sc) 200 grs Hornandy has more recoil than the 250 grs factory Remington round.