Yes, I know why? Well, simply because I can, with YOUR help. Yes, I have read the manuals, loaded 250,s 225,s and 210,s but first time with lighter weight bullet. Speer manual stops with 200 gr so my guesstimate is 56-59 w/RL 15, 63-65 with H4350 and grain or two more or same with RL 17. Will load out to max of about 3.385 in pre 64 fwt. to fit magazine. Bullet will have a big jump to lands of close to .15
Any real world advice to give before I jump off would be appreciated as I expect this load will get some fun at the S. Texas fire pit come Nov.
Mercy, Barnes/Federal must have a real white elephant in this bullet. If my loads work I will have to buy up the entire supply made as it will be discontinued due to no demand!
Since I appear to be the lone ranger out here trying this bullet thought I would give up the secret (in my rifle). Seat at max magazine length of 3.385, put in a lot of RL 15 and give her a go! OK, I went up to 64 grains and quit with a very good load but I am thinking it pushes the top so I backed down to 63.5 and loaded five, first three at 100 went into less than 3/4" and the remaing two at 200 yards hit same POI and one quarter inch above and the five were less than an inch.
Now for the bad news. Went to new Norma brass and no way no how I could get more than 62 grains into the case w/o mashing it. So I will go back to the twice fired and load them for hunting this year. Will try the 62 w/mag primers to see if they will shoot.
Per Barnes it is 3100-3250 out of a 25" barrel. Mine is the original pre 64 fwt 22" so I am less than that but certainly over 3000. Will chrono one of these days.