Moderators: Mark
Craziness, plain and simple. Law proposed in WI
posted 24 January 2002 02:51
Check this out! I cant imagine it will pass but still, pretty whacky!!


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one of us
Picture of cwilson
posted 24 January 2002 03:04Hide Post
Just another reminder that we all need to pay attention to our local, state, and national government; and make politicians accountable. A well-informed electorate is our best weapon against ridiculous legislation.
Posts: 719 | Location: Boswell, PA, USA | Registered: 20 December 2001Reply With Quote
posted 24 January 2002 04:46
I'm sure the left wing of Madison will appreciate the gesture even though the odds of it passing aren't very good. Embarrassing for the rest of us poor honest folks though, huh?
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posted 24 January 2002 04:59
Unconstitutional on the face of it. It'd never get past the US Surpreme Court. Probably would never get past the state supreme court.

(Who the hell is electing these jerks?)

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posted 24 January 2002 05:36
The constitution has little to do with it the anti gun crowd will try anything to get to the end game, total control.

I don't think it will pass but if it did and was challenged it would still be law untill it was overturned.


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posted 24 January 2002 05:48
I know that it wont pass, its just the fact that someone spent the time to think and write it that amazes me. What a fruit!! I am still amazed at the lengths that some people go no matter how whacked they KNOW they are!! All of us here would be in a hurt for a while if it did pass, waiting for it to be overturned.


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posted 24 January 2002 19:16
If YOU don't get off your a$$ and do something besides type it up you'll loose Don't let your congressman or senator forget your name Get out and talk to the people tell them to call. DO SOMETHING. Or just cry to the people in Calif. or Canada. Oh hell forget it. hotdog
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one of us
posted 25 January 2002 02:22Hide Post
The people sponsoring that bill are guilty of conspiracy, and treason, and should be hung!
Posts: 3097 | Location: Louisiana | Registered: 28 November 2001Reply With Quote
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