quote:Originally posted by Ulrik Hentzer: What kind of velocities can be acheived with a 250 grs bullet in this caliber (26" barrel) ??
Yoo Ulrik !! Go take a look at "Real guns".They really came up with some hot loads. I think it was 26 inch barrel with 2 inches of accubrake . I remember a load of awesome power. I think tey used 114 gr. of rl-25 behind a sierra game boat or was it the barnes xcl. Well vlocity; 3336 fps,,250 grains,,insane !! They have also made this .358 Wby. This case will do 3000 fps with a 310 woodleigh i think. It will push a 280 grainer to 3100+ fps !! But to mention it ,,,you have the .416 as me he,he so you really don't need a .358 i think !Even tough it's even more impressive than the .338-378 Wby ! I hope you'll get the .338 excalibur,,or 8.59 titan lazz. round which is also very impressive on paper ballistics.
Oh to hell with all,,,go to the ultimate,,,king of the hill,,namely ,,.700 BMG IMPROVED !
I had very similar results to Al with 338/378. Depending on the temperature of the day, I would get 3050 to 3150 with 109gr of RL-25 using 250gr Nosler Partions. I also used Hornady and Sierra 250gr with the same load with similar results. I did find that charge to be a bit hot. After a 2 loads like that in a case, the primer pockets would start to enlarge. So I backed off to about 107gr of RL-25. My velocities only dropped off to about 3000 fps and the cases lasted much longer.