quote:Originally posted by waxman: My Ruger 6.5x 55 thrives on RL 19. 49 gr. and a 120 gr. ballistic tip spits out right at 3,000 fps. It is also my most accurate load.
49.5 gr of IMR 4350- this is a hot load for M700 Rem only. 2950 f/s and is asuper light deer/coyote load for me
I seldom use bullets as light as 120 in the 6.5 but when I do I use either 4350 or win 760. For proper 6.5 bullets (139-142) I use vihtavouri 165. I can easily exceed 2900 fps from my 26"barrel with 142s. Another favourite is 4831SC. Not as fast but maybe more accurate. I use the 6.5 primarily as a long range target round. Regards, Bill.
For 120 to 140 grain bullets, nothing has come close to Re-22 in my 6.5x55 rifles, which range from standard military issues in carbine & rifle configuration to a 24" Encore and a customized M98.
In the 24" Encore: With 46 grain Re-22 (2 grains under max), I get 2740 fps with the Hornady 140 grain SP using Lapua brass and Fed 210s. 48 grains gives an even 2800 fps with the Speer 140 grain Hot Core.
Using the same brass & primers, 49 grains of Re-22 speeds the 120 grain Ballistic Tip along at 2963 fps and gives groups in the 0.5 MOA range (when I do my part).
Posts: 9500 | Location: Shiner TX USA | Registered: 19 March 2002
quote:Originally posted by Abe Normal: Anyone care to share what there favorite powders/recipes are for the old Swedish Masers?
Norma 204 and MRP, no doubt. VihtaVuori N 150 works good for slow but accurate light bullet (sub-120) loads, a lot less recoil and blast than the more accurate and faster Norma 204...
With 100 gr pills VV N 160 really pushes them - 204 works too, but N 160 seems to have a small edge in accuracy.
Load weights are up to and, in the case of MRP, slightly above Norma's published max.
With VV powders, loads are WAY above published max for N 160, but N 150 is a strangely acting powder - never approached max w/o strange pressure symptoms. E.G: 36 gr: Sooty cases, anemic speed... 36.5 gr: Locked bolt... I have a buddy that feeds his Sauer and CG's way, way more of the N 150 stuff, but that's his eye behind the bolt... Last I heard from him he was trying 44 gr (published max for that powder and bullet: 38.8 gr) behind a Norma 130 gr VLD, the primers fell out but I know he's used 42.5 gr for a long, long time - in a Sauer, though.
Using Lapua brass, Sierra 120SP and CCI primers in a standard Tikka rifle the following all gave sub 1/2 minute groups centre to centre. IMR 4831, 47gr (most consistant powder) RL 19, 46.5gr (poor obturation in the cold) V160, 49.5gr (chrono'd at 2850fps)
Posts: 16 | Location: Salisbury. UK | Registered: 30 July 2002
46.5 grs. of Reloader 22 and Nosler 140 Partition, Winchester case and Fed 210M primer....very accurate.....recovered the Nosler Partition bullet from a end to end quartering shot my wife made on a big moose.....she pretty much shoots all her game with the 6.5 x 55 and loves it....with its moderate recoil and all.
I reload the 6.5x55 for competition and just general shooting, all with swedish military rifles. My favorite powder is R-22, current match load is Lapua brass, Win primers, 45.5grs R-22, Sierra 140gr HPBT Match Moly bullets. Velocity is right at the 2600fps mark from the M96 barrel.
I have tried a few different types of powder, after not being successful and satisfied with the groups I got off the bench. Every rifle shoots differently. I asked competitive shooter what there loads were and tried them... My rifle didnt like it. I tried IMR 4064 - IMR 4831, but after two years of trying I found my sweet load 1/2 to 3/4 inch open sights off the bench.... Yeah...yeah... I hear ya!... give us the details. Well I'm using a 140gr HPBT Match with 40.6grs IMR 4350. OAL is 80mm. I'm shooting a Carl Gustav 1902 Swedish Mauser.
I have used Norma MRP, Norma 204 and Vihtavouri N160. I have always had the best results with 204, although MRP enables a little more velocity. Vihtavouri seems to be afraid of lawsuits since their stated loadingweights are very low.
In addition to my Post above I will say that the use of Norma MRP is very convenient since I can use it for all my reloading, 6,5x55, 7x57R and 300 WM.
Posts: 2121 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 08 May 2002