I seldom see anyone talking about these bullets for game or groups, Why ? I only have field experience with .250 speer flat base in my .358 win. and the 85 grn in my .243(just the standard bullet, nothing fancy) both shoot very good groups and usually put game down on the spot with a proper hit. So what is wrong with them ? Sure like to hear your comments and experience with them on game.
Posts: 367 | Location: Farmington, Mo | Registered: 07 July 2002
Nothing wrong with them. You may want to check Midways' Page. Grumble and Wally Bator put together some custom run molds for the .358. There may be some left. They are designed for big game.
The "HotCor" variety are made by pouring molten lead into the copper jacket. The lead then alloys with the copper, binding the jacket to the core. The theory is that this reduces core-jacket separation. Never tested it, but it sounds like it should work.
I haven't had any trouble getting good groups with them.
Posts: 2281 | Location: Layton, UT USA | Registered: 09 February 2001
I cut open a Hot Core bullet in 6mm (105g) and the core does not bond to the jacket. It seems like all they need is some flux and they'd have a good solder joint, but it's not, just a tight fit.
I haven't shot anything alive with Speer bullets (or any other for that matter), but they shot pretty well in my .243.
I just got two boxes of their Deep Shock bullets, cut a couple apart and they look really nice. They do have some strange looking rings on some of the bullets, I'll have to see if they make any difference in accuracy. The jacket is so thick they ought to hold up really well.
I've used the 200gr hot cores in my -06 and was completely satisfied with the way they held together on the two elk I shot with them. The mag tips seem to be another story. One of my sons shot a smaller muley buck with the 150's out of a 308. It didn't hit any bone going in and totally disintegrated. We found the little insert up against the inside of a shoulder. I used the rest of that box shooting jack rabbits. Those rabbits looked like a 22-250 had got close to them, blew up! Maybe the heavier mag tips act different. I like the accuracy of Speers products. The new Deep Shocks group well enough, but we'll have to wait and see how they do on animals.
Posts: 17 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 21 December 2002
Nothing wrong with Speer bullets. Ive used them for years and I will probably replace a lot of my Hornady interlocks with Deep Shocks. Im convinced that its a superior product for nearly the same price.
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001
I used a Speer Mag-Tip 350 gr. .416 to take a moose and a mule deer this past September. Great performance. I've also used the Hor Core in 6.5mm 140 gr., 7mm 160 gr, and 30 cal 165 & 200 gr. on paper, and they do quite good.
The Hot cores that I tried all made very good varmint grade hunting bullets. They are one of the only .338 cal. bullets that that will work like a Vmax. As far as the hot core creating a bond to the jacket, I have yet to see that. I tested in paper 3 different callibers @ 100yards and typically found nothing more than jacket pieces. The 416 mag tip, and the handgun rounds are the only ones I have seen keep their cores.
Posts: 741 | Location: NB Canada | Registered: 20 August 2002