Do any of you buy fron Natchez?? I went to order on line,two case neck reamers for a bit under $20.00 each. When i got to close the deal The shipping was $14.12 I said no thank you. That seemed a little steep for just a couple ounces of product. Lyle
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. I would remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." Barry M Goldwater.
I recently paid close to $6 in shipping for a $5 collet from Forster. A first class stamp and a 50 cent padded evelope would have covered it. Crap like that has a tendancy to piss a guy off.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002
I buy from a good many of them, including Natchez. But, I always try my best to make it a relatively large order to spread out the Shipping/Handling charge. Otherwise I just buy locally and get soaked by them since they have to pay the Shipping/Handling.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001
Posted 03 May 2011 15:11 Hide Post You are not only paying for the shipping but the employees time to process the order...shipping and handling.
that is just exactly my problem. why should i pay someone to take my money? i can see true shipping costs, but the handling charges just pizz me off. i can go into my local store and guess what - they don't charge me to take something off the shelf and take the money
Originally posted by butchloc: [QUOTE] i can go into my local store and guess what - they don't charge me to take something off the shelf and take the money
It's called overhead, and yes they do. The employees get paid and the light bill does too.
I tried to order a case trimmer from Natchez, and the $4 part was going to run over $20 by the time it got to my house. To steep for me. Ordered it from Gander Mt, for $7.99 to my door.
Shop around for the best shipping rates amongst the online dealers. There is quite a difference.
Posts: 218 | Location: KC MO | Registered: 07 April 2009
heck you think that is bad I ordered 2 boxes of 200 grain .308 tipped triple shock bullets from midway and when they arrived they were the LRX bullets. I called and they said sorry and they would ship out my bullets. What did I get? Two more boxes of LRX bullets, called again and damn if they did not do it again. no humans to actually look at the box!! oh tes shipping on everyone!!
I just ordered from them for the first time. Shipping was a bit shocking at first glance but it still sometimes beats buying retail, just depends on how much better of a deal you are getting for the item than from a retail store. I bought a stock from them that was about $30 less than Cabela's or any other retailer and even after I added in the $15 for shipping I still saved $15. Other items I have looked at would have cost me more to order online.
I no longer use mail order unless I have a good size order or a great sale item justifies the shipping cost.
I buy from a good many of them, including Natchez. But, I always try my best to make it a relatively large order to spread out the Shipping/Handling charge.
YEP welcome to the world of fuel surcharge high finance along with exorbitant metal prices !.
Is No one on this site buying fuel !?. Try $34.50 including the $1.50 insurance from Natchez , for a 21 lb. package last week !.
Obviouly they must cover their "handling" costs. It's just that others must "handle" the shipping better as they do not charge as much or, perhaps, a touch of additional profit is rolled in???
Posts: 1583 | Location: Either far north Idaho or Hill Country Texas depending upon the weather | Registered: 26 March 2005 They ship at thier actual cost. On My last order with them they gave Me the cost on three shipping options (UPS, Fedex,Postal)