31 July 2003, 04:46
val_valAccurate Reloading Book
I am a reloader and want to know how one gains access to the Accurate Reloading Book?
31 July 2003, 11:26
Chuck WhiteVal_Val
You can go to their web site
www.accuratepowder.com or phone 1-800-416-3006 to order a free loading manual.
I'm sure you'll like their powders!
01 August 2003, 05:55
TrapdoorI think val was refering the the book being compiled by/on this website, or affiliated in some way to AR. The link is password protected. I know nothing more and can't offer any help.
In any regards, Steve's data could be a book in it's own right!
01 August 2003, 06:05
val_valI was indeed referring to the password protected one, on this website.
01 August 2003, 15:07
Pecos41I believe the loading data on this website was an idea that was abandoned. There is nothing to access...at least I think that is what Saeed said.
01 August 2003, 18:01
RikkieIt's a book on African hunting, written by the folk over on the African Big Game Hunting forum, that Saeed is graciously publishing. Watch this space.