<Juneau> posted 29 March 2002 07:11
Anyone know if the new Nosler Manual has come out yet,- I believe it will be #5 ? And if so, where is a good place to order one from?
One of Us Number 5 should be released mid April. I cannot wait.... Cabela's is taking orders and will ship the moment the books hit their docks.
<Big Foot 15-4E> posted 30 March 2002 13:29
Bad news boys, I just got off the phone with Cabela's to day and Nosler #5 is on back order till early MAY!. Sheesh! What truely suxs is I lost My #4 manual and 9 out of 10 of my best loads came out of it.
one of us The local gun shop tells me that their Nosler rep says the books aren't even going to the printer until April!!!
Posts: 341 | Location: Wenatchee, WA | Registered: 27 February 2002
<Phil R> posted 30 March 2002 15:50
Get ready guys. The Nosler legal department will write the book just like they did with the last edition.
------------------ Phil- Life Member NRA & SCI