So, what's missing in the lineup? List the caliber/weight/design you wish you could find but can't. I have a big 35 coming my way, and I'd like to see some flatpointed heavies (250-270g)for thumping <200 yds. Seeing Fritz454's big bore mono's with the flat tip got me thinking. But I'd have them with a lead base, to keep them from getting too long.
Posts: 2000 | Location: Beaverton OR | Registered: 19 December 2002
I'ld like to see Nosler come out w/ a .404/400gr.NP I would also like to see a 160grBT from them to cheap practice in my .280 & 7mag. A .338/210gr Nolser Accubond would be great too.
I'd like to see a 400gr FN solid in 0.458 for the 45/70, and a cheaper non-premium, soft jacketed non-bonded core 500gr RN for the 458WM - 458Lott class of cartridges.
Pumpkinheaver, That bullet already exists, it's called a Taipan 300gr FN, check the following: Cheers... Con
Posts: 2198 | Location: Australia | Registered: 24 August 2001
quote:Originally posted by Bwana-be: So, what's missing in the lineup? List the caliber/weight/design you wish you could find but can't. I have a big 35 coming my way, and I'd like to see some flatpointed heavies (250-270g)for thumping <200 yds.
There already is a flat nosed 250 gr .35 Partition. Just shoot it backwards! They even throw in a boat tail that way.
not caring much for heavy weights, since I do not use my 6,5 for large heavy game, I would like the different manufacturers fill the gap between 95-100 grain varminters and the 120-125 grainers.
110 grains for smalish deer would be, in my opinion, about perfect.
Posts: 875 | Location: Madrid-Spain | Registered: 03 July 2000
I'd like to see a flat nose 90 gr. 25-35 bullet. a monolithic with a hollow point...
I would also, like Fred, wish for a Nosler 400 gr. 404 constructed just like the new Nosler 416, thats an awsome Cape Buffalo bullet and penitrates better than other soft points and if the lead goes out it still looks like the perfectly expanded Barnes X.......A great bullet.
I recovered some of the Noslers along with the fine 450 gr. 416 RN from Woodleigh that expand to the size of a golf ball and come to rest on the off side of the black bulls or punch on through with a perfect broadside shot.
For those that want a 400 gr. FN for the 45-70 contact Bridger bullets...I used their solids in my 416 this year on Buffalo and wow, do they ever penitrate..Killed one buffalo and wounded an Eskimo in the process...
Posts: 42454 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000
quote:Originally posted by sodak: How about a variation of the Nosler partition. Instead of a lead nose put a polymer tip on it just like the ballistic tips.
Funny I forgot that one.I asked Nosler about this a couple of years ago,No Plans to do this.I also got the same answer on a couple of other Want to see Bullets,well they came out this year with one of them 140 gr .277 Partition.
Somebody listed a .308 Accubond 180gr,I'll bet you won't have too long a wait for it.
[ 10-01-2003, 09:50: Message edited by: Tiny ]
Posts: 205 | Location: East Tennessee | Registered: 19 July 2002
How about a polymer tip northfork bullet without any internal/external changes as well as future advertisment of ballistic coefficent for each caliber.
- 6.5mm 110 gr. Barnes TSX-BT or XLC-BT - 6.5mm 129 gr. Hornady Interbond - 6.5mm 125 gr. Nosler Accubond - 7mm 120 gr. Barnes TSX-BT or XLC-BT - 7mm 140 gr. Nosler Accubond - .416" 325 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip
Copper plated Tungsten solids for tough game. Since Tungsten is 65% denser than lead a 500 gr .458 would be only as long as a 300 gr lead flat point. Give your self 12 grs of case capacity and 20% more muzzle energy.
Also .338 cal sabots with .270 bullets and .308 cal sabots with 6MM bullets. The bullets do not need jackets.
[ 10-02-2003, 03:41: Message edited by: Sabot ]
Posts: 1111 | Location: Afton, VA | Registered: 31 May 2003
I wanna see a bullet that after killing the animal, will gut it out, butcher it, and wrap it in freezer paper.
If the bullet should sense that it is not going to make a clean one-shot kill, I want the bullet to abort it's course, and head back to the house, go up the stairs, and wait for me on the reloading bench.
And for the bullet which will miss the target, I just hope that it has enough velocity to enter orbit around the moon...
Posts: 3282 | Location: Saint Marie, Montana | Registered: 22 May 2002
NotRicochet!!! I've looked into doing that but by the time I had a mold made and acquired all the other goodies I could have bought a double life time of bullets if I could find them. But thaks 4 answering me. Roger
Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003