I was making good use of my kinetic hammer last night and correcting a few loads on 15 rounds of 300RUM. I put the powder in a clean container and reused it and rewieghed it and put a piece of toilet paper in the bottom of my hammer to save the bullets. I reused both. Is this a practice you would do. This 300RUM uses alot of powder. Don't take long to run thru 1lb. Just curious.
Some people have said that it might be bad to reuse the powder because the "banging" of the puller may crack the kernals or "wear Off" coatings on the powder.
BUT--I've also heard the argument from people that it can't be any worse than guys that leave ammo behind the seat of their pickup for about 5 years before shooting it. Seems that would cause more "wear" to me.
I can't say it would make a difference worth worring about.
JUST curious--did you have to re-tension the necks on the brass?? Sometimes it seems that the bullets seat awful EZ the 2nd time around.
Your handloads. No problem, as long as you marked what powder it was. As many bullets that I've had to take apart, (found max way sooner that expected) I've gone through boxes of bullets and pounds of powder. None wasted, except a few bullets that got a little bent out of shape, wouldn't be accurate, so I tossed them.
Thanks guys for the replys. Don, I used a neck sizer before reloading, and just raised the deprimer pin up away to not deprime. I put the powder back in the shells, just added more the next time around.