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Buying Woodleigh bullets in Australia
one of us
I'll be visiting Australia in April this year and I'm really looking forward to the trip.

I would like to buy a supply of Woodleigh bullets during my stay. I was thinking of the 350 gr .375 to use in my CZ550. Primary use moose and boar here in Sweden but who knows what in the future [Smile]

So my questions are:

- Can I buy Woodleigh bullets "of the shelf" in ordinary hunting stores?
- Would you with some experience recommend the RN or the PP?
- Should I use the 300 gr instead? Or get both [Big Grin]

I'll be staying in Victoria for the most part with a visit to Tasmania thrown in.

TIA, Wachtel
Posts: 544 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 27 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Woodleigh has a distributors list on their web site

There are plenty of gunshops in Melbourne and surrounds on that list. But I would definately call first and pre-order to make sure they are carrying what you want when you arrive. It's a long way for you to go back to pick up an order [Big Grin]

I've bought 220 gr round nose 30 cal bullets which I'm yet to try. Also bullets for a 303. Can't wait to get home to do some handloading again so I can try them out on our Sambar deer.
Posts: 1210 | Location: Zurich | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Watchel yes you should be able to, get a list of the dealers that will be in the vicinity of the area you are visiting. If they do not have the quantity you want in stock phone through a few weeks prior and order them. With your better Euro$$ they will price out well for you [Smile]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Not all of Europe is on the Euro. I think the Swedes gave it the thumbs down.
Posts: 1210 | Location: Zurich | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With Quote
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If you are going to be in Melburne, take a long day and drive up to Woodleigh. It is about a 6 hour drive Northwest, just past Murrabit and across the mighty Murray in NSW. That way you can get a tour of the place and meet Geoff. Et Cetera. Make arrangements first though.

If you can't, contact 500Nitro (the one from Australia) on this site. He is the Australian Distributor of Woodleigh and a heck of a nice guy besides. PM or email me and I will give you his addy.

A couple of years ago I brought back 75 lbs of bullets in my carry-on. [Wink] I spent the whole flight waiting for an air pocket so it would fall out of the overhead and kill me.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info so far. But what about the choice between RN and PP and 300/350 gr? Being somewhat of a traditionalist I'll probably go with the RN if there aren't any major reasons not to.

A tour of the factory sounds interesting! Mickey1, you have mail).

And yes, we still use the old Krona here in Sweden, at least for a couple of years more.
Posts: 544 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 27 October 2001Reply With Quote

Fax ahead to Mark Laffy at Frank O,Reilly's Sports Pty Ltd. He's a good bloke to deal with and their prices are usually some of the best in Melbourne. They would usually have Woodleighs in .375 but fax ahead to avoid disappointment. Not many shops would stock the 350gn.

Work: 03 9480 3366
Fax: 03 9480 3186

869 High Street
Thornbury, VIC 3071

A bonus with Woodleighs is that they seem very accurate for a premium bullet. Get some 300gn Solids to fill the bottom part of that CZ550 magazine for that African Trip in the future.

The PP would penetrate deeper, the round nose sets up faster & should penetrate less. Have only used the 270gn PP for our Scrub Bull-800lbs. Worked perfectly, through shoulder, hit bone did not exit but lodged in far shoulder. 80% weight retention, expanded to 1.8 calibres.

I believe Ray Atkinson had a hand in the 350gn being a reality. He sees it as being ideal for shooting Buff in a herd where the 350 gn RN should not exit.
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Picture of Alaska Bush Man
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The .458 Woodleigh in 350 grain is very sweet in my Marlin 45-70, can I put a order in for 4 boxes?
Posts: 523 | Location: North Pole, Alaska | Registered: 26 January 2003Reply With Quote
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