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Amazon is GREAT to deal with!!!
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The recent post by "Nugman" about Shipping Problems with Midway is what brought this to mind:

I recently ordered some stuff from Amazon. If it was an item they carried in their Inventory and over $25, then the Shipping was FREE. Plus, you could select Dense Pack which allowed them to consolidate less expensive items(that also had to be in the Amazon Inventory) and it would be Shipped in the same box with the FREE Shipping item. They do charge you TAX in compliance with your State.

An MTM Arrow Case was out of Stock and it also qualified for FREE Shipping. The Amazon computer wanted to know if I wanted to Back Order, or just Delete it. Selected Back Order and then I got an email which allowed me to Track the Shipping progress – just excellent.

The first Box arrived with everything intact. And before it got here, I had another email saying the Arrow Case was scheduled for Packing, along with another Tracker.

When the Arrow Case arrived, it looked like the box had been dropped and the UPS Driver waited for me to open it. He told me, “I don’t think there is anything in it, because you ALWAYS get heavy stuff!” I gave it a quick look and the Case appeared to be fine, so off UPS went.

Later that day, I discovered the MTM Arrow Case was Cracked in two spots. So, I got on-line with Amazon(never actually talked to a person) and got it Scheduled for a Return and a Replacement. I was very impressed with how well their System handled the situation. It gave me three choices on how to get it back in UPS’ hands and allowed me to Print-Out the Return label on my printer.

I elected to take it to a local UPS store and the Amazon computer knew the exact moment that it got in UPS’ control. That is important so you do not get charged for it and the Replacement.

The Second MTM Arrow Case left Amazon just as before, and it arrived in a slightly less crushed box. But, it was also Cracked in two places. I took flicks of it and they sent me an email address where I could give a Detailed Report of what I saw – if I wanted to. Obviously it was either a Packaging problem or they had Cracked Cases in their Inventory. I looked at the Packaging and they had simply laid the Case in a box then placed some waded up paper over it. Basically nothing to protect it from an Impact on either end or the bottom of the box. And the flicks I sent Amazon showed that.

So, back the Second one goes, the same as the First one. And I get another email which was really nice from them. Obviously not a computer generated routine response and it said they were very sorry I was having the problem and another one was to be sent to me – with expedited Shipping – at no charge.

The third one arrived by FedEx. When I opened it, they had changed the Packaging. Even more amazing to me, was that they had sent it totally FREE. I’d thought they meant just FREE expedited Shipping, but Amazon didn’t even charge me for this Third MTM Arrow Case.

The Third MTM Arrow Case has three very small Mold Bubbles within the Plastic right where the first two Cases had Cracked. Those are the only Mold Defects I can see in it and do not anticipate the Case will ever Crack there – unless – it is subjected to some Klutzy Drop on my part. More flicks sent to Amazon so they can discuss the issue with MTM.

However, the whole point of this is to tell you all just how well Amazon deals with Problems and how well they treat their Customers. Everyone likes a company when things go well, but the real test is when something goes bad.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I agree, Amazon is a joy to shop with. Super website, very professional!

- mike

The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
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I buy books at Amazon. The few hunting items I've priced there cost WAY more than I could get them for in other places.
Posts: 2911 | Location: Ohio, U.S.A. | Registered: 31 March 2006Reply With Quote
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It may be significant to note that the box that arrived with content intact was delivered by FedX NOT UPS! It is also nice to know that if I ever order from Amazon I can likely specify shipping by FedX and NOT UPS!! Shipping to Canada by UPS Garentees you will get ripped off on shipping charges!!!
Posts: 167 | Location: Kamloops British Columbia Canada | Registered: 19 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by R D McMillan:
It may be significant to note that the box that arrived with content intact was delivered by FedX NOT UPS! ...
And the Amazon box delivered by FedEx had " NO " visible indications of damage at all.

They had also changed the Packing Procedure. The 1st and 2nd one arrived with just the MTM Arrow Case laying in the Amazon Box with some Paper wadded up laying atop the Case. The 3rd one arrived with the MTM Arrow Case still inside the MTM Box - which was inside the Amazon Box - with Wadded-Up Paper on top of it. Basically double Packed.

I'd "guess" Amazon originally removed the MTM Box to reduce the weight and thus lower their Shipping Cost.

The FedEx guy did get a few Big Grin when I described how the UPS Boxes arrived.

Also agree with Grumulkin that Shopping around might just locate a lower $$$cost$$$. The FREE Shipping on the initial Order just tipped the Amazon sale in my favor this time.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Grumulkin
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Where I live, it's the UPS guy that rings the doorbell and leaves things on my covered porch where they belong and the FEDEX guy who doesn't ring the bell and leaves things outside in the weather right where it can be run over by my car coming out of the garage.
Posts: 2911 | Location: Ohio, U.S.A. | Registered: 31 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I've had nothing but positive expereinces from Amazon. And I've been using them for a few years.
Posts: 969 | Registered: 13 October 2009Reply With Quote
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I've had nothing but positive expereinces from Amazon. And I've been using them for a few years.

Quite a few years and ALL POSITIVE transactions . Personally far better than E bay experience's !!!.

Not to diminish others experience's regarding Fed Ex , I NEVER use them and specify UPS or USPS or ANY OTHER carrier available Fed Ex is the LAST resort for myself . I've canceled shipments upon finding they'll be Mishandling my stuff !.It started about 14 years ago as I was awaiting shipment from Texas ,on some electronic items ( Reputable Distributor on top of the situation )After 8-9 days pass I contact the distributor and inquire as to the status of my order ?. Man puts me on hold 20-30 seconds later comes back informs me My package was delivered 5 days ago !. REALLY WHERE ?. Too you're address , then gives me the tracking info . I contact Fed Ex , the next day I receive a call back from a Gal Southern accent sounded black , informing me to look on my porch leaned up against the front door .My package was delivered at 10:00 PM 5 days prior .

I inform that Lady our gates close and lock at 6:00 PM with German Shepherds patrolling the grounds and how did the driver deliver the package at 10:00 PM and Where did he find the Front door ?. As it's not visible from the street and from the gates too our house is Minimum 125 Yd.. Well excuse me sir while I contact our field agent for clarification ,I or someone else will be getting back to you shortly .

Two days go by I receive a call from some general management in Pittsburgh , explaining they're attempting to find out where my package is and will rectify the situation ASAP .

All told 14 days total time goes by , a Fed Ex small delivery truck pulls up and delivers my Electronics ,packages have been opened !. I look at the driver and ask if he really expects me to except the package and he says I wouldn't if it were me !!!.

So I ask him to call his supervisor he says he can't , 1 minute later his phone rings it's his SUPERVISOR !!!!!!!!!!!!.

I ask to speak with him , I calmly explain why I'm not excepting my package as the contents have been rifled through , he understands . I fill out a form with the driver and off goes my stuff . The next morning I get a call from the Texas distributor Fed Ex explained everything too him . He informs me he's already shipped out a duplicate order with UPS and if it doesn't get there IN TACT He will personally DRIVE it too me . I proceed to inform him it's in GOOD HANDS ,we laugh . Two days later My package arrives in EXCELLENT UNOPENED condition !.

Three weeks later I'm informed by a local UPS driver , an Ex Fed Ex driver was arrested for Theft of merchandise ,as they found over 80 items in his house , many unopened . Story surfaced he was afraid he'd be fired for failing to deliver all the packages ,as he felt he was overwhelmed and couldn't do the job properly . Instead of returning with undelivered packages he took them home !!!.
Now here's the stinger ; He was arrested at a local Bar ,while he was supposed to be working .

I don't want ANYONE that STUPID ever handling ANYTHING of MINE EVER !. Oh and Fed Ex got worse delivering too me ,seems somehow I was an Ahole that got one of their drivers arrested !!?. A decent young Black man who worked for Fed Ex and delivered a package for me at a much later date informed me of that . Everyone told him watch out for that SOB back stabbing Ahole he'll get you fired ( His near exact words ). I started to tell him the story ,an he stopped me an said Yea I know it already I'm from the Pittsburgh office where it got reported .

He then added ;Reported Correctly ,that's why I informed you of what's been going around and why you're having problems !. I'm taking over the mangers position an I can assure you I'm going to set them straight in the first meeting . An he did . Gave me his tele # and told me to call if I had ANY problem no matter how small or large it was . After about 5-6 years he transferred too the Midwest . Things went DOWN hill from there .

Never had a single problem with UPS or any other reputable carrier , a few minor glitches with USPS ,however the Wife Ironed those out .

Fed Ex is a fine employer for convicted felons thieves and idiots who can't find their own azzes ( with exceptions !!! ) I'll pass EVERY TIME !!!.

So if any of you in the Midwest run into Fed Ex Ronnie G He's someone to be trusted !. Can't vouch for anyone else in that outfit !!!.

salute archer archer
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I should mention that I know all three drivers by their first names, the 1st UPS Driver, the 2nd UPS Driver, and the FedEx Driver. This was the first time I ever received a box damaged from "ANY" of them.

Even when thigs don't go as BAD as they did for Doc, they still occasionally go a bit bad. Just nice to see how the AMAZON folks handled it. tu2
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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