Moderators: Mark
Re: New Reloader Needs HELP!
posted 02 June 2004 01:24
Headspace has nothing at all to do with the length of a chamber throat! There are lots of long-throated rifles that have perfect headspace.

I have several rifles that turned out to produce better accuracy after bullets were seated deeper, so you never know how far from the lands a particular bullet must be seated to produce optimum accuracy until you test this factor. Of course, you are limited in max overall cartridge length by the dimensions of your magazine unless you want to use your rifle as a single-shot.

I would not begin to worry about the length limitations you have found until I tested the gun to see what length of loaded round it likes! But I must say, bullet seating depth is one of the last variables I fool with in seeking accuracy, AFTER I have determined an optimum load for any given combination of powder type and bullet weight/design. Work up your most accurate load with the bullet seated out as far as the magazine will permit. Then, if that best load still does not shoot as well as you are willing to accept, try seating the bullet a little bit deeper with the best powder charge/bullet combo you have developed, and test at different deeper seating depths to see if your accuracy improves. It may. The only other alternative you have is to cut a thread off the barrel shank, rechamber the barrel, and cut a shorter throat. Even if youi did this, it would not necessarily guarantee improved performance over what it will do now.
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Picture of dogcatcher223
posted 02 June 2004 16:13Hide Post
Hey guys, you answered my question too. I am new to reloading at even at the longest max SAAMI length I don't think my bullet is touching the lands.

My gun is a Savage 30'06 and it was rebarreled. But it was rebarreled with another factory Savage barrel. So it must have a long throat, but I also have a long mag box. I can seat the bullets out to the point that they don't look right and it still fits in the mag and will chamber and lock. I think I am just going to go with factory length for now and see what happens. I think to seat the bullets long would require I go with a heavier bullet as there does not seem to be too much case gripping the bullet with a 165 seated long.
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Picture of fredj338
posted 02 June 2004 17:43Hide Post
There is noe gospel on accuracy of bullets touching lands or not. Depends on the bullets & cart. & powder. Try shooting a Barnes 'X' touching the lands, accuracy is awful, the factory even states to seat them well OFF the lands. If the load shoots well, don't sweat the small stuff.
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posted 02 June 2004 02:49Hide Post
trashcanman- I'm making loads for the same rifle, I'm using 155 grain moly'd A-max and imr4064, 5 loads I set to factory OAL and had a good group just under .86@100yds for 5 shots

I'm happy with that. I'm also a new reloader these rounds being my first attempt.

Posts: 2 | Location: Owego, NY | Registered: 31 May 2004Reply With Quote
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