Moderators: Mark
GS Custom
<Santa Claus>
I received one package of bullets on the 21st of Sept. For anyone keeping tract that was about 10 weeks after I ordered them. I shot them in my overpriced David Miller 300Wby and proceeded to shoot the best group this rifle ever shot a .268 3 shot group, what I was impressed about was the lack of fouling. This bullet has some great possibilities, but I cannot get ahold of Gerard, does anybody know where he is?

[This message has been edited by Santa Claus (edited 10-05-2001).]

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<Bill Tompkins>
Santa Claus,

Which bullets did you order and what were the groups?


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<R. A. Berry>
Thanks Santa Claus. I ordered some on 08/24/01. The debit cleared so I reckon Gerard is processing the order. A ten week wait is O.K. with me, though I am not thrilled by the prospect. They are worth the wait. I got an idea that Gerard's business must be taking off quite well.

Good huntin', shootin', and spear chuckin',

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<Santa Claus>
I was using the 173grn HV, I was trying different powders, so that was my only group with this powder. I probably averaged about 3/4" groups with all the powders I tried, but H414 seemed to be the best of the bunch. I ran out of 173's so I need to get some more. I have also tried the 160's yesterday and was getting .568 groups or less with these, so this rifle seems to like them pretty well. All I need to do now is get a chrono to see what they will clock. Has anyone heard from Gerard?
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<Bill Tompkins>

Thanks for the information. This is pushing a back burner project of mine forward, faster. I still need to talk to Gerard but it isn't immediate.


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<Don G>
I'm glad they worked out for you. They seem to shoot well in a lot of barrels - including factory ones. I put that down to the driving bands reducing stiction in the barrel - but that's just a theory. The results are what matters.

Thanks for posting. I'd better order some more if the wait is getting longer!


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one of us
Picture of Nitroman
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Well I ordered some GS torpedos for my 7.65 Argentine. 140 grainers. I should be able to get near 3000fps with them.

Also, I emailed Gerard to ask him his recommendation and he replied within 12 hours. I don't know Claus, is your mojo workin'? Maybe squeeze your rabbits foot or something? I say this in jest but you sure have a hard time getting him.

Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi Guys,
I am way behind my e-mail and will try to catch up this weekend. Our currency going into free fall against the major currencies the last five weeks, has wreaked havoc with our production planning as all our consumable tooling and machine spares are imported. We have been working around the clock (literally) to plan for the next three months and produce as much as possible and get everything ordered. Fortunately our raw materials are all produced within SA. At the end of September 2000, one US$ bought R7.18 and yesterday it was R9.37. The bulk of the 30% drop in value came in the last five weeks and we figure it will be around R10.00 by the year end. We have built up as much stock as we could at the current prices but will have to bump our bullet prices by 12% effctive on coming Tuesday. We will be holding the new prices till the Rand hits R11.43 to a US$. Anything ordered before Tuesday will be at the old price. The good news in all of this is that our bullets are getting steadily more price competitive outside of SA as well as locally as most import prices have gone up by 20 to 26%.

You may be interested in a new surgical procedure developed in SA I am considering having it done. It is intended to improve productivity and they cut the patient into six pieces and put legs on all of them. In my case, at the moment, all six of us will be kept busy

Rabiit's foot don't work in Africa, you have to roll the bones
Gerard Schultz
GS Custom Bullets

[This message has been edited by Gerard (edited 10-06-2001).]

Posts: 2848 | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I sure have been getting good accuracy in them out of my 9.3x62, 9.3x64,300 H&H, 30-06, and 8x57....I will be useing the 8x57 160 GS HV on deer in a couple of weeks, and one of the above on Mule deer in Nov-Dec...The solids are fantastic in the 9.3's, 416 and 450-400-3" double.

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42454 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dutch
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I've been shooting them in my 6ppc and my 7Mag. They behaved, pressure wise, as predicted. I took a near-max load and went to the range. All combinations stayed under .8" for three shots in both rifles. So, I loaded up my hunting loads and called it good. I can't shoot near as well as that in the field, so why spend the time and money having "tenths"?

I was suprised that the 62 gr. 6mm did not exit on my wife's antelope --- but it sure did drop the antelope in short order!

Hopefully, I'll try the 130 gr. 7mm's on a mulie and an big bull elk later this season. FWIW, Dutch.

Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
<Don G>

What were the details on the antelope? I'd like to understand the bullet path, range, velocity etc.


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Picture of Dutch
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Hey Don, I still owe you another "thank you" for running Quickload on this.

My wife took a representative 12" buck, her first big game animal, on her second day of hunting with her Dad. We had spent six or seven days scouting, so we had a good idea where we could find the animals. The unit she drew in is not known for producing trophies, so she did not hold out for a "big one". We'll do that the next time!

I ended up loading the 62 Gr. G.S. custom under 28.5 grains of Tac, Lapua cases and Federal Match primers. Calculating by trajectory, the velocity was right at 3400 (I keep shooting up my Chrony budget!).

With a 3" POI at 100, and the 62 gr. .355BC HV bullet, this gives a PBR for antelope out to 375. I was a little nervous about letting the bullet go that far above the line of sight, but it turned out just fine.

She practiced shooting out to 300, and that turned out to be the limit of her ability, so we set a 300 yard max (knowing there was a safety range if there was a mis-estimation). I spent some time with her at the bow-hunting education site to work through different shooting angles with her, and that was time well spent, too.

When she finally did take the shot, it was at 150 paces, broadside, and the buck went down in a couple of steps. According to Pointblank, impact velocity was right at 3,000 fps. Overall, she had a terrific experience. I feel that having a very accurate, light, low recoil and light report rifle helped her focus on putting the bullet where it belonged.

Problem is, now she has claimed the PPC as her own! Guess I'll have to buy another "light rifle"? Dutch.

Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
I used the 130 grain HV in my 7 STW to take a small 4x4 mule deer this past Saturday. The buck had a live weight between 175 and 180 pounds. I hit him high in the chest with him quartering toward me doing his best impersonation of a pogo stick. He was running down a very steep hill above me. The shot was at 412 yards, and he died in mid air. The bullet left nothing bigger then a walnut size piece of his heart and exited the size of a nickel on his opposite side just to the side of the sternum. With a muzzle velocity of 3850 fps, I still had around 3300 fps on impact. The lungs where also scrambled. No meat damage to speak of. I couldn't have asked for better results.
Thanks Gerard,
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<Don G>

Did you do a post-mortem to see the terminal ballistics path? I wanted to try to understand why the bullet didn't exit.


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Picture of Dutch
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No, I'm afraid not. I hurt my knee on the farm about a month ago, and I've been trying to stay off it to get it in shape for elk season.

So, I wasn't there. The description I was given was that there was very little, if any, meat damage, and the first lung was completely destroyed. Second lung was in better shape, but still well damaged. Aorta was cut right above the heart, perhaps by a rib splinter. Took the animal two steps to die.

I've harrassed both people involved about the exit wound to the point that they are thinking I'm even loonier than they thought before. Both still swear no exit wound, and one is a pretty experienced hunter. No bullet ever found, as the animal was skinned and dressed in the field.

These are the things that drive a rifle nut to drinking...... Dutch.

Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
<Don G>

I can sympathize. I load for my brothers and some friends and they don't understand why I harass them about "bloody details"!

I'll stop harassing you, now!


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