I've tried Blue Dot, 2400, 296 so far. Found 296 and 2400 to be a little on the dirty side. Blue Dots not too bad but shy on velocity for hunting I think. How does H110 or N110 burn guys? Has anyone come close to testing them all?
Dave, N110 burns cleaner but will not give you the velocity that H110 or Win. 296 will. I have tried all of the powders you mentioned and performance wise nothing beats H110 or Win. 296, if you want a cleaner burning powder you will have to sacrifice some performance.
Hi Dave, I have not large experience with this great caliber, but find that Vihta N-110 is a good powder for the 44 mag with 240g bullets, it shoot accurate and clean. ciao FAINA
I'd ask ..Are you shooting lead or jacketed bullets. There will be a pressure difference between the same bullet weight, same powder charge. The jacketed will creat more pressure. Jim
Posts: 6173 | Location: Richmond, Virginia | Registered: 17 September 2000
quote:Originally posted by arkypete: I'd ask ..Are you shooting lead or jacketed bullets. There will be a pressure difference between the same bullet weight, same powder charge. The jacketed will creat more pressure. Jim
Actually, a change in ANY of the components will likely change working pressures. Two different brands of lead bullet in the same diameter and weight may produce significantly different pressures.
Changing brass, crimp, seating depth, primer . . . anything will change the load. That's why it pays to keep notes on your loads, notes on the use of your brass.
------------------ PowderBurns Black Powder / Muzzle Loading Forum:
i have shot 296, H-110.. all i shoot now for the last 5,6 years is accurate #9 very clean @ fast. i load 19.5 in my .44 mag. ruger S.S. 240 XTP hornady
Posts: 1137 | Location: SouthCarolina | Registered: 07 July 2004