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how good are vld's on varmints
one of us
i would like to use 75g amax or 80g berger bullets for varmint hunting out of my 22-250 and wondered how well they performed and the biggest worry is riccochets as i shoot in some places where a riccochet going more than 400yds wld be extremley dangerous.also i would like to shoot the 115g berger out of a 243ai how well do u think these would perform? any advice welcome thank you.
Posts: 50 | Location: england | Registered: 06 July 2003Reply With Quote
<Savage 99>
Then don't use long heavy bullets since your worried about it. I don't.

One of the places I hunt on has some shots were there is just a field and then if the shot bounced it would go towards residences or even a village. I shoot a Swift on that farm with 50 gr Sierra's.

The old sailors maxium is worth knowing: "The time to reef is when you first think of it".
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one of us
Picture of Dutch
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As the dislexic rabbi said: "yo!". I think either will give you an unacceptable ricochet risk. I think, I don't know.

I shoot the 75 Amax, and it opens up good, but it still keeps going. It does not disintegrate. Some folks have happily used it on deer.

An acquantance shoots Jimmy Knox' 80 gr JLK, and claims it is very, very fragile. HTH, Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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