Moderators: Mark
FireStorm 2007
One of Us
I'm posting this so as to maybe help ALL of us remember the 7 P theory . Positive Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance !.
Unless any of you were out side of the US this past week , you no doubt saw media coverage of CA.'s FireStorm !. The speed and distance in which some of these fires traveled was incredible . With that being said , are YOU really prepared for a disaster ?. I thought I was but sadly I WAS WRONG !. Very Wrong .

How many of us who have been reloading and collecting our firearms , have way " TO MUCH STUFF " ?.

Sure some things can be replaced but others CAN'T !. One must prioritize and in a HURRY . So perhaps it's better to pre plan , rather than react !.

Here is what a GOOD friend who happens to be a Fire Captain with one of our Southern CA. Depts.
told me , which I'm passing on too all of you .

Powder Ammo Diesel Gas Propane Natural gas are a Fire fighters enemy !. When a fast moving fire erupts engine companies do a quick assessment .

When explosions happen or shrapnel starts flying at a residence , they stand down and move on too the next defensible structure !. Got you thinking ???.

A few homes were " Lost " do to that very real incident !. Only a few but he handed me a couple of cartridges which I couldn't identify from the Rancho Bernardo Fires ( Which Creek Fire ).*

By the way I'm 25-28 miles away from where that fire started and only 14 miles from the start of the Poomacha or Mt. Palomar fire . Both came within 5 miles of us .

Please consider the 7 P theory VERY CAREFULLY !.

* That shrapnel were either .30 .338 .375 or .416 ?, They were that screwed up so as I couldn't even tell !. I've been loading for near 40 years now . How many of us have Powder magazines or Flood fire proof safes ?.

Shoot Straight Know Your Target salute . ...
Posts: 1738 | Location: Southern Calif. | Registered: 08 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Glad to hear you made it out OK. Sure were a lot of folks that weren't as fortunate.

Best of luck to you.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm afraid that if powder or ammunition stored inside your residence has been heated enough to ignite, that your residence is already beyond saving. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't use some common sense when arranging for the storage of your combustables.
Posts: 13242 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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How correct you are . Short of a bunkered magazine what else works ?. In my case Dbl. 5/8" inch dry wall lined storage boxes , but even those are good for only so long as well as heat Temp. build up .
I posted this because NO matter WHO we are or WHERE we live , crap happens . Being prepared is the first line of defense !. Hurricanes Tornadoes , Floods , Fire . Plan on how and what to save BEFORE it's necessary .

My laboratory would and can with stand fire for an extended period of time from the out side .It took me way to many years and far to much $$$$$ to even consider losing it !.

It's got me rethinking my loading room now or at the very least an investment of retardant foam .

Our water is just to unreliable to count on in emergency's . Rain out this way is a rarity to say the least any more .

I've proposed a HUGE canal traveling East and West with several reservoirs starting in TX. .

We might as well ! , this country pisses away more money on worthless programs than any other nation . So I figure even if it takes Two life times to complete , it would help the flooding and drought situations we seem to be faced with now days .

Shoot Straight Know Your Target. ... salute
Posts: 1738 | Location: Southern Calif. | Registered: 08 April 2006Reply With Quote
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