Moderators: Canuck
Feral bull :old hunting tale
one of us
In the late 1970's my brother and I had to kill a large wild Brahma bull.The bull was named Big Red,and had destroyed many fences,barns,tailgates,and fenders. Many attempts were made to capture him,but he held up in a swamp,out of horses reach.My father gave his old 3006 to my older bother who was about 13 at the time,he then dropped us off near the swamp.We walked about 300 yards down a steep hill into the brairs and mud,and there he was.We scrambled for a better veiw,the bull was moving away about 25 yards when the first shot hit the back of his head.Big Red just shook his head and ran on.We chased him 50 yards or so before he turned broadside,then Bill my brother,fired a second 180gr. core lock,this time he did it right hitting the bull behind the eye ,in front of the ear.He fell forward about 12 feet,but rumbled the ground on impact.I still remeber leaves and pine needles falling from the trees,Big Red was dead.We hooked chains and cables together and pulled him out with a tractor.The butcher said he weighed close to 1800 lbs.,the meat was awful.We tried many ways to prepare it,and finally fed 5 dogs for 2 years with the meat. didn't mean ramble ,I hope you enjoyed this old story Rug
Posts: 590 | Location: Georgia pine country | Registered: 21 October 2003Reply With Quote
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22 years ago, my brother, who works for department of primary industries was in volved in eradication program of brucellosis and T.B in Australia ,thousands of domestic and wild cattle were culled to ''eradicate'' these diseases ,iam am still sceptical about the real motive behind it .i was only 18 , i had a hand in shooting many cattle with my brother, i had a 30-06 which was like shooting roos with a 22, they just flinched when you shot them in the chest after that, i head shot them ,and used a 44 magnum ruger super blachawk as well .they were unbelievable tougher than i expected for '' domestic cattle'' .i had little experience with big game ,but this taught me to use something adequate ,even if it kicks .one big scrub bull, i shot 5 or 6 times with my 30-06 he looked at me ,walked over a barbed wire fence and disappeared
Posts: 148 | Location: brisbane australia | Registered: 07 January 2003Reply With Quote
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