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Moderators: Saeed
Re: You Ever Seen One This Big Before?
one of us
I don't want to get into a "they are bigger in Texas" thing, but a number of years ago I saw a picture of rattler taken during the clearing of land in the Palm Beach area of Florida during the early 20's published in Field and Stream or Outdoor Life "letters to the editor" section. This snake was being held up by a number of men and one boy holding the tail. The letter writer was responding to suggestions that the previously published picture was faked. He told the story behind its killing, and explained that he was the little boy holding the tail. I don't remember how many men were holding the snake, but given an average of 18inches per man, the pictured snake was longer than 8 feet. It looked like pictures you see now of pythons or similar constrictors. It made me realize that once a snake reaches a certain size, there isn't much gonna' mess with it. I don't know, but I'd bet there weren't even many wild hogs in that area in the 20's. My grandfather was a lumberman working along the Atlantic coast at the time, and the only means of travel was Mr. Flagler's railroad and boat. It was the last frontier in many ways. Ku-dude
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