The Accurate Reloading Forums
I gotta be getting old
03 May 2005, 17:43
butchlocI gotta be getting old
On the way in to work this morning I drove by this little country church. There's nobody around except for sundays. There on the front stairs is a huge orange crat. I passed him by. I gotta be getting old. Say a prayer for me
03 May 2005, 18:07
There on the front stairs is a huge orange crat. I passed him by. I gotta be getting old. Say a prayer for me
YOU DID WHAT???????? SAY THREE HAIL MARYS and go forth& clobber the next cat you see.(Remember though every cat you let go by is one you'll never catch up on

all times wasted wot's not spent shootin
03 May 2005, 23:24
N. S. SherlockBackslider!
"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
04 May 2005, 01:55
DigitalDanButch, why do you think they call them "Holy Churches"?

Because they got holes!

How do the holes get there? Because there's crat on the front steps, that's why!

I'd like to think that the Good Lord woulda gone to the range on the 7th day if Winchester was in business. I always find it restful.

He works in mysterious ways though and we may never know why he puts crats on church steps on the other six days.
Pres., TYHC
If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?
04 May 2005, 02:03
Butch, why do you think they call them "Holy Churches"? Because they got holes! How do the holes get there? Because there's crat on the front steps, that's why!

A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition. - R. Kipling
04 May 2005, 06:06
Old Elk HunterYou could have shot it and then placed it on the alter as an offering. When asked you could claim to have had a vision, heard voices, and knew that it was God's will. Let your eyes glaze over and put a $5 in the offering basket. Babble alot and they will think you are talking in tongues and are a true christian messenger. You could start your own sect - True Believers who require cat offerings. Think of the possibilities. Tax free status for a cat shooting organization!
Wow! You got my attention OEH

Can i have the Canadian Franchise?
Dogs have masters.....cats have "staff"..... but i aint no servant!
04 May 2005, 13:19
deciple-of-keithYou could have shot it and then placed it on the alter as an offering. When asked you could claim to have had a vision, heard voices, and knew that it was God's will. Let your eyes glaze over and put a $5 in the offering basket. Babble alot and they will think you are talking in tongues and are a true christian messenger. You could start your own sect - True Believers who require cat offerings. Think of the possibilities. Tax free status for a cat shooting organization!
Oh! BOY!!!!!!!! Behold the reverand DOK

So I missed out on The "Bob Hopes" (POPE's ) Job cause I hate cats! Now I find myself with a second chance! A Billion cat haters & me as the head of the sect!Ermm I mean Church

all times wasted wot's not spent shootin
Butch did the right thing when he passed on that one. The church is supposed to be a sanctuary and hence,inviolate.
On the other hand if the aforementioned church was struck by lightning(jewish type say) then only god could be blamed for the crats demise!

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati