10 grains of blackpowder ignited by a percussion cap fired pointblank into face wouldn't need a projectile......also, might be OK for indoor use, basement etc. with only a powder load. Someone try it please & let me know.....r i s.
Posts: 866 | Location: Puget Sound country | Registered: 18 January 2005
Oh I see it now. The barrel is the horizontal part at the bottom with the muzzle pointing to the left of the picture. The mouse squeezes in under the long trigger lever near the muzzle to get at the bait, trips the sear and POOF!, a self induced head shot. Very cool indded.
Posts: 408 | Location: The Valley, South Australia | Registered: 10 January 2003
A friend of mine bought one of these a few years ago as we thought they looked pretty interesting. After doing a little work on the hammer, it worked very well. Supposedly you smear a little peanut butter or some other bait on the underside of the trigger and when the offending rodent works on it, it is pushed upward tripping the trigger and killing the rodent. We just loaded a bit of blackpowder and a tightly balled up piece of paper as the bullet and it definitely worked. Always thought it would be in interesting tree rat (squirrel) trap, but we never set it for any critters.
Shoot straight, shoot often. Matt
Posts: 1192 | Location: Wisconsin | Registered: 19 July 2001
I had 2 rat traps and 6 mouse traps on my window sill where they were coming in. They were all being tripped with no sign of a catch. I set a #1 cat trap and caught a red squirrel, and a mouse in the small traps. The next day caught a flying squirrel.
I think the mouse cannon might be a little small for squill. Maybe one of them 12g cannons with some special handloads could be set up like that.
Posts: 38 | Location: Michiganistan | Registered: 02 February 2003
I saw a mouse one evening in the living room. It scampered behind the piano. I went to the basement and came back up with my Crosman 760 PowerMaster loaded with a .177 cal projectile. When the mouse looked out from behind the piano, I nailed it. It didn't die right away, and left a small blood trail on the carpet, but it expired nonetheless. My wife was amazed at my marksmanship, but still made ME clean up the blood. I just figured it was one less trap to empty.
Fast Ed
Measure your manhood not by success, but by significance.