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Humble beginnings
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Finally....some noggin!

Animals downed: May/June 2004 (Zim)
Arrive in US to tannery: June 2005
Tannery ships to taxidermist: Jan 2006
Taxidermist finished: April 2006


Still working on a pedestal for the zebra - to be a red oak pyramid with zebra and kudu backskin inserts. And I'm also working on a nyala/bushbuck adventure for 2007. Seems to me there is a perfect space for the nyala slightly above and between Mr. Kudu and Mr. Eland, and a perfect space for the bushbuck slightly above and between Mr. Eland and Mr. Impala.

Had to move some whitetail heads to another part of the room, and will probably rearrange some more, but was excited to share as is.

Posts: 103 | Location: IA | Registered: 08 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Very nice. The Impala looks especially lively.

Time is but the stream I go a'fishing on
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Picture of Kyler Hamann
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Very nice. Looks like really good taxidermy.

Thanks for sharing.


Posts: 2523 | Location: Central Coast of CA | Registered: 10 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of hikerbum
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They may be humble beginnings, but they are very, very nice and the setup on the wall is perfect

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
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Picture of Rusty
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Nicely done, sir! Good looking trophies!

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Picture of Afrikaander
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Humble bewildered ??

Very nice ... Congratulations !


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Posts: 1325 | Registered: 08 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Absolutely well done! Nothing to be humble about.

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Looks pretty nice to me!
Posts: 281 | Location: southern Wisconsin | Registered: 26 August 2005Reply With Quote
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the wall pedestal looks really nice, as do all of them. someday...
Posts: 206 | Location: nicholasville, KY | Registered: 31 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I like it! Very well presented display. It was worth the wait, I'm sure.

Posts: 1093 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Many thanks gentlemen. I am very happy with how they turned out and it was definitely worth the wait (just as it was for going to Africa in the first place!)

I've more work to do in the room - some whitetail heads to place, some artwork I picked up over there to appropriately display....and I'm loving every minute as it brings back the memories every time I tweak this or that.

Posts: 103 | Location: IA | Registered: 08 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of 308Sako
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Very nicely done, beautiful animals and great taxidermy.

clap cheers

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Picture of thornell
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That is some great work. The kudu and the impala look especially good.
Posts: 705 | Location: MIDDLE TENNESSEE | Registered: 25 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Hi Jeff:

Your trophies look great. I like the Eland, no wonder why I didn't see any why I was there, you guys shot them all.

My trophies are just about done, I waiting for the pedistal bases to be finished. The Black Bull Giraffe is Huge to say the least, I did a full shoulder mount. I have the picture you sent me framed on my coffee table.

I will post some pics when they are finished, love the way your Kudu turned out, the wall pedistal looks great.

Take care... Jim P.

The Hunters Hut
Firearms Sales & Service PAHunter/ The Head Hunter
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Hey Jim!

Glad to see you are still checking in. And one of the coolest things on the planet is to know that a photo I took is featured in someone's trophy room, the word "humble" comes up again! I am looking forward to seeing your stuff when it gets done - you damn well better post it!

Funny thing is, I was chatting with a buddy the other day, and we got to throwing out ideas, one being that I get myself a giraffe, have a long shoulder mount done and put it where the kudu is, eating on the plant above it and to the left in the photo. I gotta admit that could be pretty sweet.

Glad to hear from you sir, let's do a better job of keeping up.

Posts: 103 | Location: IA | Registered: 08 August 2003Reply With Quote
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jhrod, I wouldn't add anything to that wall it would look too crowded. As it is the animals are nicely spaced , proportioned to the space . Leave it alone !
Posts: 7636 | Registered: 10 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jorge400
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Nothing humble there! Great display. I too like the wall pedistal.

"...Africa. I love it, and there is no reason for me to explore why. She affects some people that way, and those who feel as I do need no explanation." from The Last Safari
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Picture of bo-n-aro
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The field photos are a wonderfull touch!
Great trophies and nice taxidermy work.
Posts: 594 | Location: Plano Texas | Registered: 15 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Hi Jeff:

Yep I think any room or collection that can fit a shoulder mount Giraffe should have one.. Roll Eyes

I will end up with six pedistal mounts, I am having a double Kudu mount done on a pedistal. There is a guy not to far from me that does custom bases, but he takes forever and charges an arm and a leg.

I was supposed to have them done by the end of April 06, all the mounts are finished, just waiting on the bases.

I have my Giraffe Skull on a small table in my room, and it blows people away when I show them the picture you took of before, and I tell them the story on how you and I got together on this site, and you sent me the picture in an email. It will always be on display in my trophy room.

I will post the pics when set up, I have my North American wall together and the other 5 mounts are set up, just waiting for the last nine or so.

I took a 190 class whitetail B&C 12 pointer in Illinois last year that I just got back that I will post also.

Great to hear from you, I will keep in touch.

Regards... Jim P.

The Hunters Hut
Firearms Sales & Service PAHunter/ The Head Hunter
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Picture of 308sniper
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How can you call that humble bewildered?

PETA: people eating tasty animals
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Originally posted by 308sniper:
How can you call that humble bewildered?

I got humble for you.....

nevermind... its too depressing even to me!!!!

When people refer to a rifle as "ugly," what they are really saying is "push-feed."
Posts: 322 | Location: Lincoln, Nebraska | Registered: 03 September 2003Reply With Quote
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What I mean by humble...I'll give it a go....with the understanding that such a topic can lead to "lively" discussion.

I would not trade the animals I got for anything, they are of import to me for reasons that go beyond simple hunting stories and delve into personal issues that I will not bore you with. Nevertheless, with respect to measures that others might use, let's be honest, this could be considered a pretty paltry collection. Not that I am embarrassed or otherwise less than fully satisfied, it's just that I recognize there are some, if not many who would do things differently. Bottom line, none of these can be considered "huge". I've not measured them accurately, and even if I thought they were record material I would probably not mess with same. But for instance, the kudu does not exceed 51", while many here would not even consider shooting something less than 54/55. And I could go on for the others. And then there is the fact there are "only" 4, not dozens like some of the trophy rooms I see here.

None of which is to say I consider myself anything but lucky to have what I do, and it's a good thing I don't try to compete with anyone else. I recognize I've got a long way to go to obtain what I think is possible, want to obtain and will continue to work to obtain. And at the same time realize I'm very fortunate to have gotten this far, something many will only dream of and I have been fortunate enough to experience.

Am I making sense or babbling?
Posts: 103 | Location: IA | Registered: 08 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I was just busting your chops man... beautify trophies, and well displayed.

someday my wife will to back to work and I can have a hobby again!!!!!!!

When people refer to a rifle as "ugly," what they are really saying is "push-feed."
Posts: 322 | Location: Lincoln, Nebraska | Registered: 03 September 2003Reply With Quote
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very nice
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