One of Us
| Looks good, I want one of my own. Jeff
No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.
| Posts: 1689 | Location: North MS U.S.A. | Registered: 31 March 2007 | 
one of us
| I love this one! |
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One of Us

| Very cool!
Steve(NOT Shakari)Robinson NRA Life Member SCI Life Member DRSS
| Posts: 231 | Location: Arlington, WA | Registered: 26 June 2005 | 
One of Us
| Nice hog. Kind of wish my brother was a taxidermist. 
Keep yer powder dry and yer knife sharp.
| Posts: 622 | Location: Texas City, TX. USA. | Registered: 25 January 2004 | 
One of Us
| Great looking mount of a wicked looking pig. I have to get myself down to Texas to see if I can score one of those big boys. |
| Posts: 159 | Location: Bellevue, NE, USA | Registered: 05 December 2009 | 
One of Us

| That's Truly a Trophy Pig! CONGRATS. Excellent taxidermy work, BTW.
"A Lone Hunter is the Best Hunter..."
| Posts: 426 | Location: San Antonio, Texas | Registered: 25 June 2009 | 
One of Us

| Thank you for killing my ex-wife!!!! Now if you can kill a gator or croc you'd have the lawyer too!
Karamojo Bill
At then end of my time here, I want to come skidding through the Pearly Gates & hear God say, "Whoa Boy, that was a hell of a ride!"
| Posts: 118 | Location: Margaritaville, Oregon | Registered: 30 April 2008 | 
One of Us

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| Posts: 619 | Location: åndalsnes Norway | Registered: 05 January 2007 | 