I believe I am finally starting to run out of room in my current trophy room as you can see below. I still have the following mounts to come in:
Lioness rug w/ head donePedestal Mount - Nyala Pedestal Mount - Waterbuck Pedestal Mount - Duiker (like the Steenbok below) Shoulder Mount - Blue Wildebeest Full Mount - Klipspringer
I think I can fit them all in but the pool table has to go.
Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005
Get rid of the fireplace, bookshelf, entertainment center, drywall over the window. Move the refridgerator to the garage. Get rid of the rail adjacent to the stairs and drywall to the ceiling. You still have plenty of room. Keep shooting.
Posts: 1292 | Location: I'm right here! | Registered: 01 July 2004
I resemble that! I took 16 trophies in Tanz last year, and if they get here, they appear to be in limbo, I will have to add another room just for them. Kudude
You have a lot of room yet! You need to get rid of that chair railing first, and one of the book cases. But even without doing that you have lots of room, mounts need to be displayed differently.
Nice collection! Thanks for the pic's.
Cool Eland!!
"America's Meat - - - SPAM"
As always, Good Hunting!!!
Posts: 1782 | Location: New Jersey USA | Registered: 12 July 2004
Rules of the House say if you break it, you pay to fix it. That gets most people's attention and they are very careful. But you are correct, I do not shoot near as much pool as I use to.
Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005
you got lots of room left. Few more tips - when you get full you can always do things like putting smaller heads between horns (i.e. you can stick a small head between the horns on a caribou or elk) things can get shoved together. etc. Its only full when you can't walk through it anymore (mine got to that point long ago)
My first mount was done when I was 30, I am now 42. Been hunting since I was 12, just took me a while to take anything worth mounting. As far as $$$ go I am not sure since it was all done a little at a time, but the room in insured for about $80,000 thru a trophy replacement program thru SCI.
Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005
You will be amazed how tightly you can pack shoulder mounts together and still look good
Put the tall horn stuff lower and the short horn stuff higher or on a pedestal. Pigs can really be packed together quite tight. I can't put stuff below chair rail height here or my dogs get to interested.
Too many good trophies to comment on all. But man I like that Bushbuck!! If you got him where I think you did I may have to rethink some things.
The bushbuck came from the Limpopo area on my first safari and one of the PH was Mof Venter, who is the PH I believe your trip is with. I believe you will have a very good chance for a good bushbuck with Mof.
The blackbuck actually came out of Tennessee and the game ranch I was at, Cumberland Mtn., I would not recommend to anyone. Poorly run and in total only about 300 acres. When you hunt anything other than wild boar, they close off half of their place and then release it right before the hunt.
Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005
Originally posted by shootaway: that looks like a haunted house
If you are such an expert why don't you show us your trophy room since you have insulted everyone's else's. In other words put up or shut up! I doubt it is much since you admit to thinking Hillary Clinton is good looking and would love to screw her.
Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005
I agree with everyone about Shootaway's comments. I dont even have a "trophy room" YET but I eagerly await every new post in this forum that I might enjoy and gain ideas from others. You might say I live vicariously through those more fortunate than I.
My father always said "it doesn't cost you a dime to be nice to someone and you never know, that might be the person to save your life.
If you can not say something nice... Say nothing at all.
Originally posted by nomrcy: great looking room! Please tell us the story of that Eland. That is a very unique trophy!
Thanks, I hope to be posting updated pictures soon as the rest of my 2005 Africa stuff gets finished.
The eland with the curved horns I took because I thought it was unsual. I almost decided against it but I thought it had character. I plan on going after another eland when I go to Africa next year.
Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005
David: That shootaway is some douce-bag, that can't even write in complete sentences. He's a bitter little shrew that contributes nothing. Unfortunately, we have to put up with the likes o him. jorge
USN (ret) DRSS Verney-Carron 450NE Cogswell & Harrison 375 Fl NE Sabatti Big Five 375 FL Magnum NE DSC Life Member NRA Life Member
Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001