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Hardly big game, but a few of my dear friends...
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Picture of Kamo Gari

Not a great shot, but I think good enough for anyone who knows their birds to be able to positively ID them. Smiler




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Picture of Uglystick
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I see a mallard, wood duck and a woodcock on the top right. Other than that I don't know one from the other.
Posts: 173 | Location: Jackman MAINE USA | Registered: 29 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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Originally posted by Uglystick:
I see a mallard, wood duck and a woodcock on the top right. Other than that I don't know one from the other.

3 correct for a 30%. Back of the class for you, I'm afraid. Smiler


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Picture of bwanajcj
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Pretty nice i like the idea of puting them in a cabinet, under "glass" so to speak. nice mounts, is that a band on the wood duck leg?
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Picture of Skyline
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Well I see a wood duck, mallard, woodcock,white wing scoter, common coot, golden eye...........anyone care to continue?


The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.

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Picture of Jeff Alexander
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Bufflehead in the top middle Big Grin
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Picture of Skyline
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Oops ....maybe that is not a that a rail? Don't have them here.

And a ringneck duck on the bottom left? Also, is that a blackduck by the mallard? Don't have them here either.


The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.

Posts: 1891 | Location: Northern Rockies, BC | Registered: 21 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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Originally posted by Skyline:
Oops ....maybe that is not a that a rail? Don't have them here.

And a ringneck duck on the bottom left? Also, is that a blackduck by the mallard? Don't have them here either.

Pretty good, Skyline!

Bufflehead, Woodcock
Common goldeneye, black, surf scoter, mallard
Ringneck, white winged scoter, wood duck and coot.




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Picture of Kamo Gari
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Originally posted by bwanajcj:
Pretty nice i like the idea of puting them in a cabinet, under "glass" so to speak. nice mounts, is that a band on the wood duck leg?

I like the glass for a couple reasons, but mainly because it keeps them reasonably dust-free. Nothing worse looking than a pretty mount that is wearing an inch of dust...

I've shot ten banded birds to date, but none of the owners were woodies as yet. Most interesting one was an eider (common) shot from a layout boat in Boston harbor. Thing flew 1000+ miles down from Canada.

Thanks for the kind words.



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Thats what I like to see a bird man .
I am trying to get my wood duck this year,leased property with woodies on it.
Posts: 1462 | Location: maryland / Clayton Delaware | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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I do a bit of bird taxidermy and you are the first person I have ever seen that had a mounted coot....
Very nice collection..
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Picture of Bill C
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Great display and collection KG!

Buffleheads, with their soft fuzzy heads, make great mounts. I had two sitting on a rock, really neat. Unfortunately, when my husky was a puppy he ate it. CRYBABY

Hope to get another one day, along with a Goldeneye and a Canvasback. Thanks for posting and reminding me how enjoyable early mornings on the Chesapeake can be.
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Nice mounts!
I'm a late-comer to duck hunting,odd since I've lived in the heart of waterfowl gunning my whole life,and many of my relatives are die-hards.I've fallen in with some fanatics the last dozen years or so.Many hunt EVERY day.
Went out with a buddy's brother this past January a few times.First time out,we meet at the ramp-he has 5 or 6 dozen dekes in the boat.I'm thinking,"Damn,that's alot".We get to his blind,he starts handing down more crates.We wound up with about 7-8 dozen cans and blackheads (scaup)and 2 or 3 doz Canadas set out.

Had a little bunch of canvasbacks swing wide,and DROP like only they can.I got lucky and crushed a big bull.We had my friend's 10 YO daughter along to round up birds (with a dip net) and to TRY to keep the Chessie in check.
This was the first NICE can I've ever taken.Not a mark on it.But,I couldn't PRY it out of her hands.She stroked and admired it the rest of the morning,then asked if she could take it to school that afternoon and 4H that night.
How could I tell her no?

So,I still don't have a Can mounted,but the memory of her smile is worth more to me.Truly the KING of ducks.
Posts: 156 | Location: Southern MD | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
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(edited by me, didn't read everones else's guesses very close) the middile mid shelf a black scoter?

nice mounts....BTW what did you think of the taste of the scoters?????
Posts: 126 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 07 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I cheated and look in a book....I missed one not a black scoter!!(I won't say what it is since I looked it up!)
Posts: 126 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 07 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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Originally posted by Bill C:
Great display and collection KG!

Buffleheads, with their soft fuzzy heads, make great mounts. I had two sitting on a rock, really neat. Unfortunately, when my husky was a puppy he ate it. CRYBABY

Bad dog! BAD DOG! Smiler

Hope to get another one day, along with a Goldeneye and a Canvasback. Thanks for posting and reminding me how enjoyable early mornings on the Chesapeake can be.

You bet. Only thirty species or so more to go to secure the N/A collection. Then to expand to other continents... Smiler



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So,I still don't have a Can mounted,but the memory of her smile is worth more to me.Truly the KING of ducks.

You're a softie. Had I have shot a minty, full-plumed bull can, that kid would either fess up my bird, or gone for a long swim home! Smiler

Neat tale. Wink


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Picture of Kamo Gari
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Originally posted by dogcat:
I do a bit of bird taxidermy and you are the first person I have ever seen that had a mounted coot....

Me, too. Smiler I think they're great looking. The prehistoric looking legs and feet are particularly interesting to me, and the pointed white beak is neat too. All and all, a very handsome bugger, I think, although some of my ducking buds think I'm just a crazy coo.., um, fool. Wink


Thanks for


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Picture of joedjr
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That is one real nice display.
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that is very nice,but it all depends on the room
Posts: 11651 | Location: Montreal | Registered: 07 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of KUDUBULL
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Very cool

Is that a hooded merganser on the top middle. It is a little out of few from the photo.

Very good display!

Ray Matthews
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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Thanks for the kind words.

Nope, that is not a hoodie, but a bufflehead. None of the hooded I have shot and brought to my taxi guy have made the cut, as it were. Wink Which is all fine and good, as I only really care to mount them if they're about perfect in plumage and with no real visible damage. The ones I shot but thought I missed, and watched as they kept flying, are the best. Internally mortally injured, but everything works OK for a minute. Then like magic, all of a sudden they get sleepy and fall out of the sky...Smiler Most seen in the picture have taken but one or two pellets to the body, or sometimes, one the head. If they're beat up, they get eaten.


I lied a bit. I'm not man enough to gnaw into the mergies...But a buddy's dog is fond of them! Smiler


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wrong choice of wood
Posts: 11651 | Location: Montreal | Registered: 07 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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My choice of wood (which is a 19th century mahogany bowfront that I happen to like, actually) hardly concerns you. Kindly give it a rest will you, troll boy?


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