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What About The Guns?
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Picture of Huvius
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Although I do have a big safe, I hate having to unload ten guns to get to the one I want.
Also, surprisingly, my insurer gives no discount or preferential coverage for guns kept in a safe or not. As long as I have appraisals for my expensive guns and proof of ownership, they will be paid for in the event of a loss.
Ultimately, I would like a display like this one at Westley Richards.
Posts: 3407 | Location: Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: 24 December 2004Reply With Quote
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WOW! Well Done!Very nice. tu2
Posts: 885 | Location: Eastern Cape, South Africa | Registered: 08 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Huvius
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Don't misunderstand me...
This is what I DREAM of. Not what I have... yet. Will happen though.
Posts: 3407 | Location: Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: 24 December 2004Reply With Quote
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"Showing off" one's prized toys is only natural.

Til one day your house has been broken into, and they are gone.

The cleaning lady and her husband hunt deer and elk. One day they are watching TAA and talking to some visiting friends about this great show. The cleaning lady mentions how magnificent a display of game heads from Africa. Then she brags you up a bit. How many of the game animals shown being hunted are hanging on walls at one of her customers homes. One of those people tells his neighbor about how lucky it would be to hunt Africa every year or two, and have stuff like Leopard and Buffalo, etc mounts in your own man cave. The neighbor's teen age son is a druggie, and gets the idea of how to acquire enough quick cash to go into business dealing. That would be the firearms hanging on your wall, instead of locked up in your safe.

Anybody I know well enough to invite over for a look is a middle class person who would share my hunting interests. If I show him the room, I have a minute to unlock the safe and take a few rifles out for "show & tell...".

Most of the people are far more interested in the mounts and a short version of how you acquired them.
Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Duckear
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
"Showing off" one's prized toys is only natural.

Til one day your house has been broken into, and they are gone.

The cleaning lady and her husband hunt deer and elk. One day they are watching TAA and talking to some visiting friends about this great show. The cleaning lady mentions how magnificent a display of game heads from Africa. Then she brags you up a bit. How many of the game animals shown being hunted are hanging on walls at one of her customers homes. One of those people tells his neighbor about how lucky it would be to hunt Africa every year or two, and have stuff like Leopard and Buffalo, etc mounts in your own man cave. The neighbor's teen age son is a druggie, and gets the idea of how to acquire enough quick cash to go into business dealing. That would be the firearms hanging on your wall, instead of locked up in your safe.

Anybody I know well enough to invite over for a look is a middle class person who would share my hunting interests. If I show him the room, I have a minute to unlock the safe and take a few rifles out for "show & tell...".

Most of the people are far more interested in the mounts and a short version of how you acquired them.

Sure, the sentimental stuff is in the safe.

But life is far too short to worry about 'stuff'.

I would rather own my guns than they own me.

I guess that is one benefit of factory guns.

I am just a credit card spree away from replacing most of them in a few weeks off gunbroker.

Hunting: Exercising dominion over creation at 2800 fps.
Posts: 3116 | Location: Southern US | Registered: 21 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of tomahawker
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"I would rather own my guns than they own me." I always heard it as " you don't own the livestock, the livestock own you" I slopped enough pigs and responded to "cows are out" in my long johns too many times not to believe it. Talkin guns I have to agree with sharpshooter, that's how it happens most of the time. If you never been broke into, you can't imagine the creepiness and rage you feel at a stranger goin through your personal space, let alone the value of stolen items. ( and never mind what the Mrs. will have say about it)
Posts: 3678 | Registered: 27 November 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of TREE 'EM
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Fine guns like any other form of art are meant to be viewed and enjoyed. I had a very enjoyable 24x38 trophy & gun room in my former home. I have been without for the last 10 years since my move. Im building a new home and planning around a grand trophy & gun room once again.
Nothing is truly secure no matter how you try. The more you fear loss, the more it steals from the sole of the art you are protecting.

As to the PC BS, if someone is offended by seeing guns in my home they can feel free to not have them displayed in their own home.

All We Know Is All We Are
Posts: 1231 | Location: E Central MO | Registered: 13 January 2014Reply With Quote
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I've had guns stolen many years ago when I lived in a crowded area near the beach on the evening we played basketball - so someone knew our schedule. They missed my best rifle and pistol luckily but I forget what happened to an old gun, then remember some bastard stole it.

Today we live in a rural area behind a locked gate and have 5 large dogs that know enough to make strangers nervous but not bother friends and relatives. We never have locked a door and always leave the keys in the cars. But with all that I wouldn't be comfortable leaving guns on display or not locked up. We have too many guests and children around.

I have an idea to build a super strong safe room out of filled block with painted plywood walls and high ceiling to be a trophy room but windows wood still keep me from displaying guns..... and more for sentimental value than real worth its hard to replace your grandfathers 113 year old Winchester.
Posts: 299 | Location: California | Registered: 10 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of cal pappas
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
"Showing off" one's prized toys is only natural.

Til one day your house has been broken into, and they are gone.

The cleaning lady and her husband hunt deer and elk. One day they are watching TAA and talking to some visiting friends about this great show. The cleaning lady mentions how magnificent a display of game heads from Africa. Then she brags you up a bit. How many of the game animals shown being hunted are hanging on walls at one of her customers homes. One of those people tells his neighbor about how lucky it would be to hunt Africa every year or two, and have stuff like Leopard and Buffalo, etc mounts in your own man cave. The neighbor's teen age son is a druggie, and gets the idea of how to acquire enough quick cash to go into business dealing. That would be the firearms hanging on your wall, instead of locked up in your safe.

Anybody I know well enough to invite over for a look is a middle class person who would share my hunting interests. If I show him the room, I have a minute to unlock the safe and take a few rifles out for "show & tell...".

Most of the people are far more interested in the mounts and a short version of how you acquired them.

There is a lot ISS and I may butt head on, but he's spot on here. All sounds good until a theft.

When I was gathering information on my .600 book, two rifles were presented to me for inclusion by four gents. One vanished from the former owner and presented by another, the second rifle was stolen many years prior and presented to me by the new owner. Both were totally innocent. But, shit happens. I keep my stuff locked up and it only takes a few minutes to open the safe and lay them out on tables.
Just my two cents.


Cal Pappas, Willow, Alaska
1994 Zimbabwe
1997 Zimbabwe
1998 Zimbabwe
1999 Zimbabwe
1999 Namibia, Botswana, Zambia--vacation
2000 Australia
2002 South Africa
2003 South Africa
2003 Zimbabwe
2005 South Africa
2005 Zimbabwe
2006 Tanzania
2006 Zimbabwe--vacation
2007 Zimbabwe--vacation
2008 Zimbabwe
2012 Australia
2013 South Africa
2013 Zimbabwe
2013 Australia
2016 Zimbabwe
2017 Zimbabwe
2018 South Africa
2018 Zimbabwe--vacation
2019 South Africa
2019 Botswana
2019 Zimbabwe vacation
2021 South Africa
2021 South Africa (2nd hunt a month later)
Posts: 7281 | Location: Willow, Alaska | Registered: 29 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of DCS Member
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I still think a trophy room, without the display of firearms, will tell a nefarious person guns are present. I suppose it just speaks to who you have over.

I meant to be DSC Member...bad typing skills.

Marcus Cady

Posts: 3490 | Location: Dallas | Registered: 19 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by DCS Member:
I still think a trophy room, without the display of firearms, will tell a nefarious person guns are present. I suppose it just speaks to who you have over.

But if they're locked up securely , they're likely to stay there in the event of a burglary.


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of jorge
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Originally posted by 458Win:
Now if we all hunted with Ruger American rifles we could simply hang them on the wall without fear of them being stolen

OR Remington 700s.... Smiler

USN (ret)
DRSS Verney-Carron 450NE
Cogswell & Harrison 375 Fl NE
Sabatti Big Five 375 FL Magnum NE
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Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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ouch! Glad I don't own either these days.

On a bit more serious note, I don't talk much about my alleged firearms here anymore. That happened a couple days after someone from Boise called and asked if I were the -------- ------ on AR. Nope, must be somebody else. Another reason to drop the landline. Phonebooks.
Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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No one has mentioned fire. I would be happy with my safes if burglars were my only fear. I would want a gun room that not only has good doors, but walls that will not allow fire to encroach. What are your opinions?
Posts: 69 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 26 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by OTTOMATIC:
Originally posted by lowgun:
No one has mentioned fire. I would be happy with my safes if burglars were my only fear. I would want a gun room that not only has good doors, but walls that will not allow fire to encroach. What are your opinions?

2 layers of 5/8 fire code sheet rock on metal framing both sides heavey gauge studs & a sprinkler system

Reinforced poured concrete wall 12" thick. 1/2 rebar 12
"on center ,verticle & horizontal set in 3/4 inch steel pipe so that if the concrete was breached the rebar would turn if it was tried to be cut....
I have built a few poured in place safes for banks. The door would be an expense. A room for a house would run about 25K.
Btw. Years ago (late 50's) my father worked for Rand of Remington Rand.
I was shown his (Rands) gun room or collection.
It was unbelievable. The picture is still with me in my head.

I just finished some projects up. I'll post some pics in a couple of days.
BTW: Every deer or elk you shoot SAVE the feet.

Cats have nine lives. Which makes them ideal for experimentation...
Posts: 947 | Location: NYB | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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member here Ken Cline has some nice Sapele wood plaques for sale here in the classifieds. They are silhouettes of the Dark Continent.

I am going to get a few when I recover from the cost of the 425 WR Jim Kobe did the metal work on for me.

I had my Kudu come off the wall a year back. The plaques will let me screw the back of the mounts to them, and then use a two inch lag bolt to shoot them to a stud in the wall. A little bit of brown paint, and nobody will know but me...
Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I recentely read an article about how sucessful gun safes are in securing guns from experienced burgulars and the answer was "not very long" with a manual combination lock and laughable with an electrical combination lock.

I was suprised and ask a couple of friends who sell them what they thought of the article and they both told me "think of your gunsafe as protecting your guns from fire" rather that from being stolen." They suggested that I consider storing my guns in something or somewhere that didn't shout "Guns Stored In Here".

I don't know any professional thieves (except the US Government} to see how good a job of hiding them but so far no one has come even close to guessing where they are hidden.

DB Bill aka Bill George
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