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Leopard, nyala, and bushbuck
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Well, I just got a few mounts back from the taxidermist so I thought I would post a few new pictures. It is always exciting to see the finished product and to find out if the taxidermist captured what I requested. Without a doubt, Dean came through again.

First, a couple pictures of the leopard:

The leopard is looking up at my nyala, which seems to have just noticed something amiss behind it. Sorry for the cluttered background, but I hope you can see the look of concern on the nyala:

A few other pieces I had before this delivery, but not since I last posted pictures. Here is my Zim bushbuck:
Let's see if I can rotate the next picture:

And finally one showing the overall room:

And just for good measure, one shot of my zebra and kudu in the other room:

Posts: 1093 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of jorge
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Excellent trophies, Bill. That bushbuck is HUGE! how big did he go? Same for the kudu. jorge

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Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Wow Bill, I can honestly say that I am jealous. I've never seen a leopard done like that, and I really like it! I guess shoulder mounts of animals like that just don't suffice. Smiler Nice room all around.
Posts: 58 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 24 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kyler Hamann
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Very nice.

Thanks for sharing.


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Picture of Josh K.
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Nice looking mounts cheers
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Two thumbs up to the kudu pedastel mount!
Posts: 256 | Location: Fort Nelson, BC, Canada | Registered: 04 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of graybird
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Yeap, it is a done deal now. That is how I'm going to have my zebra and kudu done once I get back over and collect them.

Excellent pics!!


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Picture of thornell
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Very nice! The zebra is beautiful as well as the nyala. Thanks for sharing.
Posts: 705 | Location: MIDDLE TENNESSEE | Registered: 25 June 2005Reply With Quote
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The bushbuck is 17" on the right, and a hair under on the other side. The kudu is just an average mid 50's bull, but the taxidermy does him justice. I must admit that I do have a fondness for the pedestal mounts. Animals like the bushbuck and nyala really deserve lifesize mounts, however.
Posts: 1093 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of jorge
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Thanks for the info Bill, that is one nice bushbuck. Mine's only 15.5" but I am having a life size mount, sort of in a lying dwon position. jorge

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Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Widowmaker416
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Mine's only 15.5"

jorge, that is a very good Bushbuk!!!!

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As always, Good Hunting!!!

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Picture of ROSCOE
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You need a bigger house!

R. Lee Ermey: "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle."
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!! 'What the hell could possibly go wrong?'
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I like the second-to-last picture where it looks like the leopard is about to pounce on the nyala. Well done.

Posts: 280 | Location: Ft. Worth, TX | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Ivan
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very nice! Man I'm having second thoughts about my bushbuck now... Might have to go full body on him! Your's is beautifu!

Nice worthog... Is that a hippo skull to the right of the bushbuck?
Posts: 577 | Location: The Green Fields | Registered: 11 February 2003Reply With Quote
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WM: Thanks for the compliment, but as you can see, it's not EVEN in the same league! jorge

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Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Excellent mounts,
thanks for sharing them.You will need a bigger place sooon. Smiler
Posts: 795 | Location: CA,,the promised land | Registered: 05 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Ivan, You are correct, there is a hippo skull on the floor next to the bushbuck, as well as a few warthog and impala skulls laying around.

Jorge: That is a very good buckbuck. I know how fortunate both of us are to have taken such good trophies. I hunted several different trips for a bushbuck before taking mine.

As everyone has noticed, I have long before reached the point of needing a bigger house. Don't think my wife doesn't mention it regularly, either! I am fortunate that she enjoys having the trophies as much as I, because they are now scattered through every room of the house. I have added a few more below to show the crowded mess these trophies have become. I need to take them all down and start over, but it is quite an undertaking. I have another mule deer and dall sheep yet to add - somewhere! Not to mention the animals still to come from the taxidermist in a few more months. Tough problems to have, I know.
Good Hunting,

A really crowded wall, that badly needs reorganization!

Here's a Vaal Rhebuck that goes 9 3/4" from RSA.

And finally a sable from Zim.
Posts: 1093 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote
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LLP: My house is in the same "predicament" as yours. With a new load of trophies coming this summer, I am "maxed out" for space. I plan to retire within the next two years and we are contemplating whether to move elsewhere (what I want) and to a new house, or just add on and stay in Florida (what *she* wants). jorge

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Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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god work.makes me feel like coming over to watch the world cup soccer
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