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Leopard & Hyena Mount
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Picture of Bill C
Following are a few picts of my recently completed leopard and hyena mount, done by Laros Taxidermy in Allentown PA. Both animals, along with the duiker, were shot in the West Caprivi (Namibia between Botswana & Angola) in 2003.

Richard Laros worked with me to come up with a custom mount that would fit in a particular spot in my home. I think he captured the facial expressions of the hyena and leopard very nicely. The 5x5 oak base is wonderful, and he matched the sand color to what is found in the Caprivi. The leopard is making "eye contact" with you when you stand in the room.

The tanning was done by Carolina Fur, and turned out great. I will use them for all tanning work moving forward.

This is with Richard Laros, the taxidermist:

Posts: 3153 | Location: PA | Registered: 02 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of bwanamrm
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Bravo, Bill, well done and extremely classy. The quality of the work is expressed in the leopard's face. One of the best I've seen. PM me your taxidermist's info, I would definitely consider him for my leopard if I am lucky enough to take one next year!

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

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I like the facial expression of the leopard. You should be very proud. thumb
Posts: 1357 | Location: Texas | Registered: 17 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I am very critical when it comes to cats a taxi! I'm here to tell you that cat is awesome the best I've seen! I would love to see some more cats hea has done!

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Picture of Sevens
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Wow, that is what I call high quality taxidermy. That is probably the best looking leopard mount I've ever seen, he's a brute of a leopard too. If your taxidermist was a bit closer and I had a lion that needed mounting, he'd be sent there ASAP. Any chance of seeing a picture of the base?


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yes I would also like to see more pics of the hyena as well!

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Picture of T.Carr
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That is without a doubt the best leopard mount I have ever seen. The true test of taxidermist is always how he mounts cats. SWEET!!!



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Picture of Perforator
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Congratulations. Truly a beautiful mount.

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Picture of Anders
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Beautiful! Great mount!
How much does such a mount costs?
I mean without the hunt, trophy fee, air fare etc.. Big Grin Big Grin
Hope it`s not a rude question.. Smiler


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Bill C,
AWESOME mount, you can feel proud on this one forever. I can hardly wait to get mine back (May). Can only hope it will be nearly as good as this one.
Posts: 201 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve
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That is a VERY nice mount. Getting the cat's face correct is quite a challenge.



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Picture of 30ott6
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Bill- Very nice indeed! You need to email these photos to Fred, he'd love to see them.

Posts: 1143 | Location: Cody, WY | Registered: 06 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of bwanamrm
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Thanks Bill...are you tuning the 458 Lott up for your hunt in July? I bet your boys are beside themselves with excitement. I'll be back in Zim in about three months. Looking forward to hunting with Buzz again!

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
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Picture of Kyler Hamann
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Makes me want to try again for leopard.
Thanks for sharing.


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Picture of prairiewolf
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That is a beautiful mount. Just made my day. Thanks.

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Picture of gryphon1
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Yes good mount but in my mind the cats eyes are too open,the ears are not flattened enough and the lips should be more pulled back,have a look at a leopard snarling espec at anything that wants its kill or pisses it off,they really have an incredibly menacing "dont f@#$ with me look" and i`m afraid this one hasnt quite got it.I reckon the cat should be looking at the hyaena too not an imaginary one.Ok shoot me down fellas but we all have an opinion dont we haha?

Posts: 87 | Location: Victoria Australia | Registered: 07 September 2002
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Picture of Boss Kongoni
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THAT is an outstanding Leopard!!!!

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Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Bill, awesome, simply awesome. Almost looks like the leopard may jump out of the tree on to you if you got too close to his dinner. You need to get Dick to mount your Lion with the bushbuck. I may have him do a hyena rug for me if I can get lucky and shoot one in Zambia.
Posts: 472 | Location: Bothell WA | Registered: 31 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Nice leopard and creative mount. I agree that Carolina Furs knows their business.



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The nice part about this mount is the subtle things. He didn't over do the expressions of the leopard or the hyena. If you have to look at a mount in your home every day for the next 20 years, you don't want to look at an animal that is snarling and growling like it is in the final stages of rabies. Animals don't walk about all day snarling. You don't want a mount of an animal hurling through the air to an unknown destination - the eye is inclined to expect the animal to land somewhere sometime. An animal in a restful position looks so much more alive.
Posts: 1357 | Location: Texas | Registered: 17 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of gryphon1
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I figured a leopard guarding its kill would have a super pissed off expression esp with old spotty trying to get it Big Grin

Posts: 87 | Location: Victoria Australia | Registered: 07 September 2002
Posts: 3199 | Registered: 15 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill C
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Originally posted by RBHunt: The nice part about this mount is the subtle things. He didn't over do the expressions of the leopard or the hyena...
That's exactly what my thought was, and why I did not want "extreme" facial expressions, nor blood dripping from the duiker… Not my taste, too tacky. And leopards do not "snarl" all the time, even when around lion and hyena. Like all/most cats, they appear amazingly removed from much of what is going on around them. "Snarling and all pissed off" is just not realistic.
Posts: 3153 | Location: PA | Registered: 02 August 2002Reply With Quote
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National Geographic did a great documentary "Predators at War" that aired January 16th. One of the scenes shows a leopard killing a duiker and hauling it up into a tree just as the hyenas show up. He was only able to get it to a low limb, and the hyena finally managed to jump up and pull it down. Through the magic of TIVO, I watched it over in slow motion. The leopard kept a rather detached expression, even when the hyena got the duiker. The leopard didn't like it, but he never opened his mouth wide enough to show his upper fangs. You certainly picked the right taxidermist. thumb
Posts: 1357 | Location: Texas | Registered: 17 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of almostacowboy
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How 'bout more pic's like you promised? That mount is absolutely fantastic! And, I agree with the subtle approach - as opposed to the "Ozzie" approach! Wink

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Posts: 816 | Location: Llano, CA Mojave Desert | Registered: 30 April 2005Reply With Quote
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That is an excellent mount. Congratulations!


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I love it! Definitely a job well done.
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Picture of 375 AI
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What a great mount. I am sure there are many memories every time you look at it. Congrats on the leopard and the mount. Great choice.
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Picture of MamunurRahman
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This is the best leopard mount I have ever seen next to the ones done by the Van Ingen brothers of Banglore India.Your taxidermist is A+.

Mamunur Rahman
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Picture of SwiftShot
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That is an awesome mount... Very nice lep....
Posts: 433 | Location: Washington state USA  | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Your leopard mount is simply fantastic. I bet you can just stare at this one for quite a while and enjoy it's beauty while reliving its history.


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Picture of wildpork
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I saw this mount in the sportsmans show in Allentown. Graet work. My kids and I looked at it for a long time and my daughter (shes13) and the man showing it off had a nice conversation on African game. It is a beautiful leopard but........The hyena is just as spectacular. It's huge and the workmanship really does both animals justice. Congrats.
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