Here's mine on the wall. Only good one I have of it, sorry.
SCI Life Member DRSS
"In those savage countries success frequently depends upon one particular moment; you may lose or win according to your action at that critical instant."
Sir Samuel Baker
Posts: 297 | Location: New Scotland, Canada | Registered: 01 August 2007
I never got tired of seeing bison on the side of the road for the two years I was in Behchoko. They were the highlight of the time there, actually.
SCI Life Member DRSS
"In those savage countries success frequently depends upon one particular moment; you may lose or win according to your action at that critical instant."
Sir Samuel Baker
Posts: 297 | Location: New Scotland, Canada | Registered: 01 August 2007
In my humble opinion, the straight mount and closed mouth mounts look much better and are more traditional in appearance. I have shot more than a few bison and would be reluctant to go with anything else short of a full mount diorama (if I had the room). Again, just my humble opinion.
Man, I would not want to be the poor bugger that had to skin a half dozen bison for a diorama. I wouldn't even want to cape another one after doing mine!
Shot mine near Behchoko in the Northwest Territories. It was an unseasonably warm September so I'm surprised that he was as hairy as he is. You should see them during the depths of winter. But then again, what lunatic wants to skin a bison in waist deep snow at -30.
SCI Life Member DRSS
"In those savage countries success frequently depends upon one particular moment; you may lose or win according to your action at that critical instant."
Sir Samuel Baker
Posts: 297 | Location: New Scotland, Canada | Registered: 01 August 2007
Skinning a bison in deep snow at -30..... done it a few times. Not a whole lot of fun. My NWT bull is a Euro mount. LOL That bleached skull looks great and really, how many bison shoulder mounts does a person need?
The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.
Posts: 1891 | Location: Northern Rockies, BC | Registered: 21 July 2006
How many does one need? Well, I have one shoulder mount, two head mounts, and two euro mounts. Also kept all the full rugs and backskins so I have plenty of bedding and don't get cold in the winter.. I don't think I "need" any more.....but I'll probably still gather a couple more before all is said and done.
Man, I would not want to be the poor bugger that had to skin a half dozen bison for a diorama. I wouldn't even want to cape another one after doing mine!
Always wondered how guys like Buffalo Bill, got all their animals skinned. (He shot 4,000 odd in two years. (That's about 40 a week.) I've skinned 5 in my life. Took me over an hour just to skin one. Would be interested to know how long it takes an expert to skin one.
Hello, took me 10 hours to get mine caped and busted into man-portable pieces and loaded into the truck. Then again, I am the rankest of all amateur bison skinners.
SCI Life Member DRSS
"In those savage countries success frequently depends upon one particular moment; you may lose or win according to your action at that critical instant."
Sir Samuel Baker
Posts: 297 | Location: New Scotland, Canada | Registered: 01 August 2007