These are my latest mounts from a bowhunting safari in South Africa. Both the impala and blesbock forms were modified by adding material to one shoulder where the mount comes off the wall at somewhat of an angle. The kudu had major mods, slicing the neck into sevearl slices and rotating the neck and head. The face was shortened about an inch and a wedge from the back to the nose was removed making the head smaller. The head was dropped a bit to pull the horns up. I just finished it this past weekend. I had the base made, but did have to add a support structure that is attached to the bottom of the base. The support as a sqaure steel tube attached that is the same size as the one I impeded into the mount. A smaller tube is than slid into the base and the mount onto the tube. I hope y'all like!!
Posts: 594 | Location: Plano Texas | Registered: 15 July 2002
Congrats, and very nice mounts. Did you have to use peroxide on the face of your Blesbok at all? We just finished my hunting partners Blesbok from RSA last week, and the blaze was grossly dis-colored. All came out fine, and looks good. Pretty pedestal.
Posts: 1517 | Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho | Registered: 03 June 2004
Nice. My favourite is the Kudu. That pedestal mount sure is pretty. Wish I had room to put up one like that. Looks like great taxidermy. -mike
********************* The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
Posts: 6653 | Location: Switzerland | Registered: 11 March 2002
baboon, you must have some fine look-un mounts then! Actually, I mounted them myself. I did modify both forms though. The bles was angled off the wall by adding a few inches to his left side. The impala had the same done to his right side, but I also drpped his nose down a little to show the horns better. I also added more detail to the face by enhancing the vains and his jaw.
Posts: 594 | Location: Plano Texas | Registered: 15 July 2002