The rug was done by Joey Busetto of JB Taxidermy. He did an another Zebra rug for me earlier using a different style. This rug features a back leather trim, while the earlier one has a leather base, but no trim.
This rug is in my son and daughter-in-law's house.
Which do you prefer?
The truth will set you free, but first it's gonna piss you off!
Posts: 574 | Location: The great plains of southern Alberta | Registered: 11 March 2005
Thanks for posting pictures of such beautiful trophies. I like the zebra rug without the trim. I just love the African map base mounts & the sandgrouse!
"When the wind stops....start rowing. When the wind starts, get the sail up quick."
Posts: 11498 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 July 2008
I can see how you might think the mounted bird is a sand grouse, but in fact it is a gray partridge, a European import to North America. Locally they are called Hungarian partridges, or Huns, probably due to the country of origin of the original imports. They have adapted very well to the agricultural nature of the North American West, and in many places are the dominant upland game bird.
My apologies for mixing species and causing confusion.
The truth will set you free, but first it's gonna piss you off!
Posts: 574 | Location: The great plains of southern Alberta | Registered: 11 March 2005
I've never done European mounts until very recently and in many ways I think that I like them better. Yours are gorgeous.
I'd love to have a Zebra rug myself, but my wife and I keep a small breeding herd of Paso Fino horses and I just can't bring myself to shoot a Zebra. It's irrational, I know, but it's the way it is. I've been sorely tempted a few times, but so far the little horse that rides around on my shoulder has won the argument.
When you get bored with life, start hunting dangerous game with a handgun.
Posts: 495 | Location: Florida | Registered: 17 February 2008
+1 on the Africa cut out for the euro mounts. Love that idea. My wife does not like european mounts at all so I have to do shoulder mounts all the time and it breaks my heart, not! I love the Kudu. By far one of my favorite animals from anywhere. Congrats.
I like the Euro mounts as well. There is enough room on the panel up in the north west corner of Africa where you could even add steinbok and duiker skulls if you wanted.
Hi I like your European mounts the Africa plaques are really nice.I much prefer the Zebra untrimmed as mine is.How are the Pheasants across the Rocks there this fall.
Posts: 180 | Location: Vancouver Island/High Arctic | Registered: 04 February 2011
I love the kudu mount, and am wondering what was done (or not done) to get the horns to remain natural? So many kudu mounts have shiny black horns. I hunted Namibia in July of this year, and just heard from the taxidermist that my trophies are ready. I'm enjoying all the pics on here.
Posts: 400 | Location: Here | Registered: 13 December 2011