BCB has a great idea. Two things that I've found to work are 1)Don't seat the bullet all the way to the lube groove or flush. If'n you are shooting revolvers, try seating the bullet the same depth as a LRN- but make sure it chambers. If it doesn't, try seating a bit deeper. I've shot many WCs that way- with no accuracy difference. I don't anymore 'cuz I use Lee's Liquid Earwax- an' exposed lube grooves with earwax in 'em is messy. 2) Many cases simply don't bulge when you seat the WC flush with the case mouth or to the lube groove. Cases that are a problem for me are nickel- mostly Winchester. The only brass cases I've had bulge are military. I size my H&G WCs to .359, seat and give a fairly hard crimp at the lube groove, and try to stay away from those brands of cases that tend to bulge. Last night I loaded 300 WCs- to bring my total loaded count to about 5,500 rounds. I dunno- I'm absolutely positive that I'm neurotic- 'cuz I bought about 3,500 more .38 cases to reload. The only thing that keeps me from loading them all now is the time I have to cast the H&G WCs. Who the hell needs 9,000 loaded .38 WCs? I sure don't but I'll do it anyway- ditto for .45ACP...........