Most ARs made the last several years have 7, 8 or 9" twists. This makes it very difficult to get reliable functioning and good accuracy with cast bullets. Keep testing as you may at least get acceptable accuracy. I use 19 gr H4895 plus 1/3 gr dacron under the 225462 in my AR for acceptable accurace and reliable functioning but it is a 12" twist.
Larry Gibson
Well Larry I see you're still spreading your same kind of manure. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it can't be done.
Most ARs made the last several years have 7, 8 or 9" twists. This makes it very difficult to get reliable functioning and good accuracy with cast bullets. Keep testing as you may at least get acceptable accuracy. I use 19 gr H4895 plus 1/3 gr dacron under the 225462 in my AR for acceptable accurace and reliable functioning but it is a 12" twist
Exactly, sounds like a real cast bullet shooter with some actual experience, honest too!
Originally posted by idabull: Here is the real "verdict": SmokinJ(aka: Starmetal, MaxPayne,Joe, Old Joe, et al, ad naus.)= PATHETIC............... Idabull
My laughing buddy at Sierra Bullets and I can do it, and I'm a MORON! Joe aka Starmetal/Maxpayne/Joe/OldJoe ad nauseam PS: I get a nose reduction twice a year, but the more I talk the more it grows, and that's the truth!