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I don't necessarily agree. I've been shooting cast bullets with fillers for 49 years plus. Be 50 years come August. Used kapok for most of those years and went to dacron when my kapok supply ran dry. Frankly, I like the dacron better. As which to use, fiber or cereal in whatever case, I've never used a cereal filler in any bottlenecked case, and after my experience with some 45-70 ammo, I never will. I loaded up a box of 45-70 ammo, charge is not important, with 330 gr. HP cast bullets, a charge of SR-4759 and filled the case with Cream of Wheat as a filler to within a 1/4" of the top of the case. Plenty of compression to keep the powder from mixing with the filler. Well, the load did not shoot worth a damn in two 45-70 rifles so I figured to brak them down and salvage what I could. Well, the bullet came out OK, but that filler was like a plug of concrete. I had to dig it out with a screwdriver. Can you imagine what might happen if that had been a bottlenecked case? Well, it turned out that particular load worked better without the filler. What you don't want to do is use something like a 410 shotgun overpowder wad. I tried that to keep a 10.0 gr. charge of Unique close to the primer. Did that OK, but put two rings in the barrel of my Marlin New Model 1895. Funny thing is, the rifle is more accurate with those two rings that before. Hell of a way to accurize a rifle. Yeah. I know. It was a dumb move. Now, if I think a filler is needed, I only use dacron, and then, only the smallest amount necessary to do the job. In my opinion, filler do work, but they must be used with caution and attention to detail. Paul B. | ||
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All Some of you may know me from other forums. I have been monitoring this forum for some time but have not posted as a memeber simply because I have several other forums I post on which is enough. But I'm going to jump in here now First let me say this about the subject of cotton wads. I've no arguement with anyone who does or doesn't want to use them. Starmetal was correct in his first post, aladin did about everything wrong with wads there was to do. If one is going to use wads, and they can be used quite safely, then one should learn what to do and what not to do and use them correctly. However, my main purpose in entering this fray is to point out there is considerable difference between wads and fillers. Some here apparently don't know the difference. A filler of appropriate material does as starmetal also said; it holds the powder back against the primer and it fills the space between the powder and the base of the bullet. A filler may be used safely in both straight and bottle necked cartridges. If you choose to use a filler you must also choose the right material. I have found Dacron to be the best and safest. I no longer use a wad with faster burning powders in any case. I do however use the Dacron filler with medium burning powders. There is no risk of ringing chambers but like many things in reloading if not done correctly they can create problems. Whether or not you choose to use either a wad or filler is your choice. I do not like to see threads degenerate into a "my choice is right and your choice is wrong" scenario. I would prefer to having a reasonable discussion on the merits and the correct useage of any reloading technique. The other reason I wish to comment here is because of aladin and his continual personal insults to others. He has done this numerous other times on several other cast bullet forums to many others and myself. I do not wish to cast any aspersions on his charactor as he does that well enough himself. I only ask you go to other cast bullet forums and run an archive check on his postings. There you will find out for yourself the veracity of his posts and his argumentative nature. I hope he does not ruin this site as he has come close to ruining others by driving many members away that have something positive and constructive to add. His abusive posts are not tolerated elsewheres and unless he cleans up his act I would hope not here either. Just my thoughts on the situation. Larry Gibson | |||
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Ah, the saga continues. I can't wait for the next installment/segment/issue. Is this going to come out in a hardback edition? Pure entertainment! "Tune in next time when Bullwinkle asks, hey Rocky, What Brand leaves dingleberries on your A-Hole? OR You should have had it chrome plated to begin with." HAR HAR HAR HAR! | |||
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yeah Aladin, who are A-hole and chrome boy if I'm on ignore? Just who you talking about? Oh you have problems with more people then just me and larry on the forums, the other's just don't say anything. How about Oldfeller, you forgot how you and him got into it. Need I mention more? Getting in to it and sending someone threatening private messeges are two different things. Larry and I are and can be forgiving men. Now's a good time to wipe the slate clean, to bury the hatch you might say. Make some changes Aladin so we can all get along on the forums and contribute to one another and have fun in what is our fun hobby. Joe Ok-- I found the un-ignore button. Your on ignore always-- I get feedback on various posts. No matter, I have no 'hatch' to bury. I just hand back what I get... I'm probably too good at that. You make an alligation which you'll need to stand for, ie- 'sending someone threatening private messeges'. Send your snail mail addy for the paperwork. I note under my handle some 1500+ posts. I do not pet every puppy... I do not rubber stamp every idiot idea... I say what I think-- right or wrong. Being opinionated I stir the pot. Ho-hum. | |||
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aladin I am going to try to be helpful here in the spirit of these forums. "Ideas.... learning something is what these forums are to me. Anything posted IMO is open to comment and discussion. This is what open forums and the net is about." Yes, these forums are open to discussion and comment. However, before you hit the "post' button you should reread your post. Are you responding with something germain to the theme of the post or going off on a tangent? Are you contradicting your self in your own post? Are you furthering the discussion or argueing? Are you being abrasive to others with foul language? Are you plaguerizing someone elses work? Have you actually shot the loads or used the technique you are talking about? If not, have you said so and given others credit? Are you able and willing to put up proof or documentation of results you have obtained in actual shooting? Are you promulgating old wives tales and the witchcraft of reloading as facts just because you've read it somewhere? If your post contains any of these and, frankly, many of your posts here and on other forums contain several of them you may want to reconsider your wording and the point of your post. "What I find is a group of posters who if their pet idea/theory is challenged it becomes personal-- no matter how the post is worded. Ask the hard questions and they go ballistic. It makes no difference about the facts at hand then-- the personal offense of a differing viewpt beomes the issue. So he who dissents is the 'bad guy'." Actually this is a very good analogy of yourself and your own actions and statements in your posts. Perhaps some self reflection is in order. "Often on these forums the pet theory of the poster is just crap. Jumping to some conclusion not weighed against any testing at length.. their new fix is now 'fact'." Most acknowledge their "pet" theory to be that; theory or they back it up with documentation. On the other hand you have been asked numerous times to document your statements with proof and you have failed to do so, not even once. The others do, you don't. Again perhaps some introspective reflection is in order. "I make no apology for questioning some of the 'facts' I read on the net. Those now preaching a code of behavior should with care go back and read their own words. You reap what you sow. " None of us need appologize for questioning facts, you included. The problem is the manner in which you do it. If the facts are presented then further disussion of them is appropriate but to resort to foul language and insults as a response is inappropriate. You are correct; you do reap what you sow. That is why we are having this discussion. Again, please take this post as helpfull criticism. Obviously, since you ended up in this situation on 5 forums that I know of with numerous people, it is indicative that the problem is you. Give some thoughts to my suggestions for reviewing your posts before you send them. A change in your attitude and style would be most appreciated by many others on these forums. Thank you for your time. Larry Gibson | |||
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Aladin- I think Larry and Carpetman have made very good observations. I have seen your posts on many other forums and those posts and your responce reflect what they said very accurately. You do brow beat people! COOL IT and try to be civil. | |||
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Quote: yeah Aladin, who are A-hole and chrome boy if I'm on ignore? Just who you talking about? Oh you have problems with more people then just me and larry on the forums, the other's just don't say anything. How about Oldfeller, you forgot how you and him got into it. Need I mention more? Getting in to it and sending someone threatening private messeges are two different things. Larry and I are and can be forgiving men. Now's a good time to wipe the slate clean, to bury the hatch you might say. Make some changes Aladin so we can all get along on the forums and contribute to one another and have fun in what is our fun hobby. Joe | |||
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You sound like an angry little boy Erica.. ![]() | |||
One of Us |
Quote: Martin This is not a flame, (it's a shame one has to say that here) but please tell us how one can put a filler in a case and leave "mm" of airspace between it and the powder. This isn't feasibly possible except with a hard wad such as carboard or shotgun like wad. Joe | |||
One of Us |
Ok-- I found the un-ignore button. Your on ignore always-- I get feedback on various posts. No matter, I have no 'hatch' to bury. I just hand back what I get... I'm probably too good at that. Where there's a contradiction to what you have said, and that's just one of the many. Yeah you have followers just like anti-hunters, anti-gunners, the gays. I too get alot of feed back ON YOU. It's not the quantity of posts you make but the quality. Carpetman brought up some good points. From the way you talk you have a labratory full of sophisticated testing apparatuses that would make NASA's lab look like a chemistry set. Just what DO you have? How about this piece of equipment and statement you made: I tell the hardness of an alloy by hitting it with a hammer. Hey fellow posters, you want to follow this "expert", go ahead and good luck to you. I never asked you to apologise for anything. I asked that you change, but that is beyond your glorious personality that you posted about in your last post. So the hell with you, you will then continue to pointed out on the many mistakes, myths, and wives tales you make in your post. I shooten | |||
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Interesting use of the high rd larry. You flamed me for offering an opinion-- you get the same back and can't handle it. If you can't handle a dissenting opinion or like returned-- that's your problem. Where's Erica Kane when ya need her? ![]() | |||
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Larry your the only other person I have a problem with on any other forum anywhere. You flame me for posting an opinion different than yours-- you can't accept any discussion on the merits of what you've posted. So now I'm the bad guy for handing the sh** back. But if your going to keep posting opinions which have no merit larry I'll keep posting what I think about them. | |||
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Ideas.... learning something is what these forums are to me. Anything posted IMO is open to comment and discussion. This is what open forums and the net is about. What I find is a group of posters who if their pet idea/theory is challenged it becomes personal-- no matter how the post is worded. Ask the hard questions and they go ballistic. It makes no difference about the facts at hand then-- the personal offense of a differing viewpt beomes the issue. So he who dissents is the 'bad guy'. Often on these forums the pet theory of the poster is just crap. Jumping to some conclusion not weighed against any testing at length.. their new fix is now 'fact'. I make no apology for questioning some of the 'facts' I read on the net. Those now preaching a code of behavior should with care go back and read their own words. You reap what you sow. | |||
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I cant follow you Aladin---You have an A hole and a chrome boy you are knocking and I cant figure who they are. I know it aint starmetal as you cant see his posts he's on ignore. | |||
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Quote: Well that isn't so much the problem floodgate, it's the keyboard genie's skull filler, or lack thereof, that is the problem. | |||
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