I don't like the slip fit H&I die in the old #45 Lyman Luber/Sizer. So I modified it to take the die nut system like the current Lyman and RCBS model. I also upgraded the lube reservoir piston. I used the RCBS coarser threaded die nut as it's easier to get a tap for it. Here are some pictures:
I have a Lyman 450 too. Both this #45 and the 450 do just fine. That target on my AR15 Fast twist thread that I shot with the AR 10 I build I used the Lyman 450 to size the bullets. So much for size nose first stuff and the high dollar luber/sizers too. That group is 7/16th inch.
Those #45 luber/sizers are really pretty decent. They just have a few little idiosyncrasies. They are pretty aligned straight.
I like the 45 much better, and one of the things I like the most is the set screw to retain the die, but to each their own! Good work on the conversion.
Originally posted by Geargnasher: I like the 45 much better, and one of the things I like the most is the set screw to retain the die, but to each their own! Good work on the conversion.
Depending on how well the die fits the hole and how good the die gasket is, they leak. If the hole is sloppy and you crank the set screw too tight it misaligns the die off center.