After a period of some months where only the occasional pig visited my feeders, this past week they returned with a vengeance, pushing over one feeder, breaking one of the legs and destroying the feeder timer box. I hate pigs. Also, one of my game cameras had one photo with 29 pigs of all sizes and colors and another camera about 1/4 mile away had 9 pigs in one photo, and few if any of the 9 were in the first photo. Time to shoot 'em up and hope they vacate for a long while. I'll post the photo with 29 if I can get photobucket to cooperate.
Recent rains seem to have scattered them in our area. They appear about 2-3 times per week, but will tighten up after some of the wallows and potholes dry up. Ill be ready when they do.
Recently viewed video of fellow placing fairly large amount of Tannerite(explosive mixture when hit with high velocity round) in area of automatic feeder and sure enough was not long until dozen or so hogs appeared and began feeding. One shot took most of them out in a single blast. Certainly saves a lot of ammunition.
Yes it does, Instructor, but it surely is wasteful. Feral pork is incredible table fare, and there are far too many that go to sleep hungry each night.
Just sayin'...
Posts: 4748 | Location: TX | Registered: 01 April 2005
Doubless, You are correct that the hogs can and should be used as a food resource for any that needs it. I understand that the hog population has exploded(no pun intended) in the South and would think thinning the herd with the Tannerite would be an efficient way to control the population and still have plenty left for food consumption. Same video used 168lbs. of the mixture to take down an abandoned barn and in a flash the entire barn went away into splinters.
AND: I just watched a GA. Idiot blow up a riding lawn mower packed with it. Shooting up close about 25 feet. blew his leg off just below the knee. I sent it to Randall, maybe he can post the link.
"Gun Control is NOT about Guns' "It's about Control!!" Join the NRA today!"
George L. Dwight
Posts: 6083 | Location: Pueblo, CO | Registered: 31 January 2006
As of yesterday, there are 5 fewer porkers to contend with on one of my places, during my weekly camera card exchange I noticed a fresh path thru a field of thigh high rye grass leading into a black locust thicket (for those that aren't familiar with black locust trees, they are trees from hell, with the longest and sharpest thorns around and sting like hell when you get stuck by one)so I walked around the thicket and the path didn't come out. That meant they were still in the thicket and I slowly walked into the thicket and walked right into the middle of a whole bunch of big and little pigs. I shot the biggest sow at about 10 yards with 00 buck (twice) and shot three more little ones with the remaining 3 buckshot, then pulled my 9 mm Glock 43 (quicker than reloading) and shot one more medium sized one at about 10 feet. I shot it twice in the face, which didn't have a lot of effect so I shot it in the neck as it ran past me...that did the trick. On my walk out to my truck I found another trail that crossed the trail I made walking in so I followed that one for about 100 yards and jumped another sounder including a sow with about a dozen little ones, but the brush was too thick to get a shot. In the past, when I've shot them up pretty good they will vacate for a few weeks...I hope they do this time as well.
Well...the pigs are back, in force. These photos are from two different feeders, about 2 1/2 miles apart so it's two different groups of pigs. Time to shoot 'em up again.
I hope to make a dent in their numbers this weekend, Dr. Scott may be coming down to the cabin on Friday to work and he will surely bring something to blast them with. We'll give it a try. Here are a couple of cell phone pictures of a feeder and game camera destroyed by an ugly old boar, he ripped a leg off of the feeder, anchored by #6 rebar, then rolled the busted feeder around to spill the corn. Found the feeder about 75 feet from where I had placed it and the Bushnell game camera, complete with broken case and full of water, was about 100 feet away. I have a photo of the culprit and will post it as well. He's gonna die for sure. I want to make a mass trap out of corral panels but haven't figured out the gate and trip mechanism yet.
After hunting them as long as I have and seeing the power that a big boar has, I have a healthy respect for them. To me a big, mean, stinky old warrior is worthy opponent. Where I hunt one almost never see's one except on game cams.
Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001
My wife and I went to the cabin this weekend, me to work (paint cabin and build fence) her to relax a bit. I've mowed a path around a pretty good area for her to walk or "get her steps" where she can walk about 2.2 miles, while getting those steps yesterday morning, she walked up on a group of 6 pigs busily eating corn and Record Rack Golden Deer Nuggets and promptly shot a red and white boar, maybe 75 lbs, in the neck with her Glock 42 (.380) at about 10 yards and missed three more times as the survivors ran away. Soon I hope to have time to sit in a stand for an evening and early morning and decrease the population a bit more. Also, killed a smallish Copperhead on the concrete steps outside the patio door from our bedroom (the one I step out onto in the middle of the night to irrigate the grass, that could be a bad surprise) and last weekend Dr Scott killed a much, much bigger Copperhead on the front steps to the cabin, same scenario I suspect. These are the first two snakes we've seen round the cabin and I hope the last.
Sounds bloody exciting, mate! There's a good boar amongst them. Good luck in the continuing hunt! And tell Becky I said hello and that I'm pretty impressed with her killing that pig with a handgun.
Posts: 1077 | Location: NT, Australia | Registered: 10 February 2011