Moderators: Whitworth
Dry Spell
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Well, in spite of having two traps going, 3 different ranches to hunt, and time to sit in the stand, I've not killed a hog in 2 weeks--this is getting old!

Last night the hogs were at one trap, and the game cam even has a pic of one in the doorway--but didn't go in far enough to trip the trap. However, this pig is one of 6 left in a bunch that started out as 20 about 3 months ago, so maybe he/she has figured something out?

The other trap I bought from Bobby must be jinxed--they eat all the corn outside the trap, right up to the door threshold, and don't go inside--where the ground is painted gold.

Oh well, eventually they'll get stupid again. And, the big 'un in the background is #1 on the list.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
Posts: 2869 | Registered: 14 October 2004Reply With Quote
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At least you have a few. We have not had a hog kill in 2 months and none on camera. Have killed about 30 +/- in last two years. Guess we'll just wait for a new bunch. The Woodson area has suffered a major drought last year, I think that has limited production and ran them off to better conditions.
Good luck on the buinch shown on your cam.
Posts: 164 | Location: North Texas | Registered: 24 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Set the traps last night and Bobby's trap lost its cherry--had a small (60-lb) boar this morning. He was really aggressive, tried to eat me through the wire half a dozen different times while I was loading the pistol. Then he went to sleep. Smelled as bad as an old rank boar--guess he must have been in the trap most of the night and got all worked up. At any rate, he went to the "buzzard buffet" and I drove on to the other ranch. Walked up to the trap and there was a pig in it taking a siesta--another boar, 80 lbs or so. It was calm as could be, and even ate some corn before his final nap-and trip to Harry's freezer.

Going back tonight to sit the second place and see if I can administer a gilding metal pill.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
Posts: 2869 | Registered: 14 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Good on ya'.

I'm hoping to go to my lease next Thursday eve. I've got two game cams working. Will set some snares, a trap and do a little sitting. Perhaps I will have a little luck.
Hope so anyway.
Keep up the good work

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Get that K-1 to earn its keep :-)
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That's the plan!

I've blooded the last two Sakos that have followed me home

a twofer

So if all works out it is the Merkel's turn.


Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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WTG Geedubya---

The sounder was a no-show Friday night, but still had an enjoyable sit--left the trap baited and set, and Saturday morning found two "PPPs" in it--that translates to "Perfect Pit-sized Piggies"--little sows of 55 & 57 lbs. Now residing in Roger's freezer.

That makes 4 this week, and an end to the dry spell--at least temporarily.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
Posts: 2869 | Registered: 14 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by dustoffer:
"Perfect Pit-sized Piggies"--little sows of 55 & 57 lbs. Now residing in Roger's freezer.

That makes 4 this week, and an end to the dry spell--at least temporarily.

And enough to ward off the symptoms of SDD
(Shooting Deficit Disorder).


Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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At least until next week when we have a full moon--

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
Posts: 2869 | Registered: 14 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by dustoffer:
At least until next week when we have a full moon--

I understand all too well.
SDD is incurable. All one can do is go to the range or to his favorite hoglet splattering area for short term relief.
Laws-a-mercy, help me, I'm afflicted.
And buying a new/new to me rifle only makes the symptoms that much worse.


Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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I bet you could find somebody down here to help you get some started up there. Those pigs would fit in well there along the Snake with all the potato fields. They would love rooting up potatoes I bet. Of course if the farmers found out that you brought them in, you would probably be asked to relocate. Wink Welcome to AR.

"We Don't Rent Pigs !"
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I was beginning to think you'd moved on to greener pastures yourself

Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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My palatial abode and home away from home.

Even got a cement pond out my back door. Wonder what Jethro would think of that.

Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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I have been kind of busy; farmers have been running pretty hard and using a lot of fluids so they have had me hopping. I have been working on a three gun stocks when I have had some spare time and two rifles that need finishing before November. Also, I have had an uninvited guest out at my pig trap and have been paying a lot of attention to the new “Boar” in town. Think he is bigger than the one I took in March. We will see though. I like hunting just one particular big pig; it’s like a big whitetail.


One way to look at that, if you brought in a bunch of pigs, it would give the Wolves something else to eat other than the Elk, Deer, Antelope, Cows, Sheep, Goats, neighbors yip-yapper; you may become a hero. Log walled tent, I like that, looks comfortable. Only thing missing is a big ole pan of biscuits…. A pot of coffee and a bottle of good sipping Whisky. Almost forgot, a fine Cigar for GW.

"We Don't Rent Pigs !"
Posts: 1191 | Location: Central Texas | Registered: 29 January 2012Reply With Quote
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I'm rather plebian in my tastes, so a cheap cigar would be fine, (although I always bring my own) even some Prince Albert and rolling papers work for me.
I luv a strong cup of joe and a hand rolled early of a mornin' to get things loosened up an movin' if ya know what I mean. Eeker


Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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I luv a strong cup of joe and a hand rolled early of a mornin' to get things loosened up an movin' if ya know what I mean.

As an artist, you paint a very clear picture, GW, maybe a little too clear..... dancing

"We Don't Rent Pigs !"
Posts: 1191 | Location: Central Texas | Registered: 29 January 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bobby Tomek
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Haven't been outside to smell the fresh air for a while, but I did get lucky the other morning and take a little boar with my 7mm Bullberry. All I had was an offhand shot at a moving target, but I managed to wrap my sling around my arm and put a 120 grain HP into him. The bullet entry was about 2" higher than I would have liked (see exit in photo), but I got no complaints from Mr. Piggie. The range was 180-185 yards.

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The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri

Posts: 9372 | Location: Shiner TX USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bobby Tomek
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Dustoffer-Glad you finally hit paydirt with the trap. Was starting to think I somehow jinxed it for you as all your others seem to be catching hogs left and right. Keep after 'em...

Μολὼν λαβέ
The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri

Posts: 9372 | Location: Shiner TX USA | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Way to smack down the hog Bobby. The ranch I have the trap on has a bunch of trap-shy hogs on it it appears. I had another trap there this spring and never caught a thing in it. Figured out Saturday that the big feeder wasn't feeding -- dead battery. That might explain the lack of traffic in the area too. Went out today and replaced the battery and put a panel on it as well. I'll bait and set the traps tomorrow evening and run 'em Weds, Th, Fr, and Sat, with a sit over a feeder thrown in on Th or Fr night for grins.

Report to follow--I know how the guys on the forum love hunting hogs "vicariously" so you and I and Geedubya got to keep them entertained.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
Posts: 2869 | Registered: 14 October 2004Reply With Quote
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I'm planning to go this weekend. Leave Thursday afternoon. If I don't work myself down, I plan on sitting out a spell. Maybe I'll get lucky.

Good luck to ya'll too.


Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Got a small "band-aid" for my acute case of "SDD" this morning. Somehow 3 in the trap done with a M1911 .22LR isn't as satisfying as sniping them with the M70.

Bobby--getting it "broke in right" now--

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
Posts: 2869 | Registered: 14 October 2004Reply With Quote
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